Chapter 8 • Is it Love?

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Before l start i just want to say that l love What About Tonight and l will suport them to the end of time... I know that Christian and Mitchel have lefted and I'm devistated... They're gonna get other guys to fill in for them aged 18-21. But l dont want new members. l love WAT and l dont care if they have new people i'm gonna still support Brock, Luke and Tyrone l can't believe it i'm in love with you guys and will support you till the end. l'm devistated, upset, angry, sad, shocked, betrayed.... Their single isn't even out yet!! First they get kicked off the tour and now.. This... I love you Christian and Mitchel and l will support you and What About Tonight forever.
I feel like l should stop writing m WAT fanfic becuase their not together anymore but idk should l stop? I'm sorry if l don't update often cause i'll be really upset still I love all you readers and voters it means so much to me. xoxo 
OH! and btw i've been internet less for nearly 2 weeks HELP! 
P.S Sorry that ^^^^^^^^ that is so long. 


Linda's P.O.V

I was really excited today is me and Christians 1 Months aniversery!!!!! l know it may not seem much but it means so much to me and Christian as well. I woke up to the most beautiful text from Christian..

"Chrissy Poo xo: Good Morning Beautiful! Happy 1 month aniversery LINDY!!!! l can't believe that l actually have you. You mean the absolute world to me and today l have a very special treat for you today ;) l know you'll absolutely love it. So i'll pick you up and see you soon. Lots of Love Chrisssyyy! I had let out a giant Awwwww!!! Reading that made me so happy Christian would have to be the best boyfriend in the world. I'm so lucky to have him..

Reply to Chrissy Poo xx "Awwwwwww!! Chrissy poo! I'm so lucky to have you! Your so amazing and words can't even describe how much you mean to me. And aso HAPPY ANIVERSARY!!!! I can't wait to see you! Where are you taking me? What time will you come? How long do l have to get changed? Please don't spend too much money on me :(" I had a few questions to ask him and what had seemed like a mili second he had already replied.

"Chrissy Poo xo: Hehe ;) don't worry about all that. That's for me to worry about silly. I'll be there in about an hour so make sure you as beautiful as you always do and feel free to go over the top a little ;)" I chuckled at his sillyness he's just so amazing.

I quickly got out of bed lookig at the time to see that it was 10:45am so i'm guessing that Christian will be here at 12ish? So l quickly grabbed my towel and had a shower. When l got out l ot changed into my sky blue strapless dress with floral prints on it and grabbed my love necklace, my flower head band, black flats and a few bracelets. I had applied alittle bit of mascara, lip gloss and a tint of eye shadow. I had been sitting down on the counter top and was playing temple run 2 and then l heard a knocked on the door. l was really excited knowing it was Christian. I rushed towards the door and flung it open to see a very hansom and charming Christian standing there with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hello there beautiful." He says then leans into me for a kiss. I kiss him back and pull away with the biggest smile on my face l think it was pretty obvious. "Are you ready to go?" I nodded in agreement and we walked to the car

Christian P.O.V 

Me and Linda were in the car on the way to her special aniversary surprise. When l had knocked on her door and as soon as l saw her all l could think of is wow... how did l get so lucky?..

"What?" l hear Linda say giggling. My eyes went wide open... God did l say that out loud?

"Uh.. Did l just say that out loud?" l asked her she nodded and turned to me.

"But what do you mean by 'How did l get so lucky?'" She asked me curiousity in her eyes.

"I meant how did l get so lucky to have someone as beautiful, kind, sweet, adorable, incredible, caring and funloving girl to be mine?" She blushed and turned away oh wow she was just wow... She then leaned over to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"So will you tell me where we're going? P-WEASE CHRISSY!!" She asked me with full on puppy dog eyes.

"l told you it's a surprise and were nearly there but before we get there you need to put ths blindfold on." I tell her and hand over the blindfold she put it on and when we got there l carefully guided her out of the car and into the hall...

Linda's P.O.V

l had no idea where Christian was taking me.  He was guiding me someway and l had no idea where..
He then took my blindfold off and l was jaw dropped at what was infront of me it was beautiful...
There were rose petals skattered neatly all over the floor, candles that were lit (It was a dark hall thats why there are candles) I heard Clinton and Mitchels version of More Than This playing.. There was a beautiful picnic set out on the floor on a rug with food that smelt devine. This could not be anymore perfect...

"Christian." l say turning to him not knowing what to say. "I can't believe you did all this... It's.. It's beautiful. Your amazing." I tell him and he pulls me in a tight protective loving hug and a light/gentle kiss. 
Music started playing and immediately l knew it was 'Give me Love' by Ed Sheeran. Christian pulled me along the dance floor his hand on my waist and in my hand and my free hand was on his shoulder. He started singing along with his beautiful voice that makes my heart just melt.. He's amazing.. I hadn't even realisd that l had been singing along because Christian was staring at me with wide eyes and a huge smile on his face. He must of heard me singing... 

"OMG LINDY! You have a beautiful voice it's absolutely amazing! I thought you said you can't sing?" He asks me still having me in his arms and still dancing...

"I can't Christian and l prefer to rap anyway." I say with my head down looking at my feet. He lifts my chin up with two of his fingers making me look into his beautiful greyish/hazelish eyes. (I honestly don't know what colour eyes Christian has but i've like searched all my pics of him and i'm pulling towards a greyish hazelish colour idk if you do know what colour Christian's eyes are please tell me l know weird questions haha) 

"Listen to me. Your voice what l was just hearing is amazing it's as beautiful as you are. Don't doubt yourself Linda your so much better than what you think you are. Please don't doubt yourself and can you sing something to me? Pwease?" I sighed and nodded in agreement. I sung the song that l love Titanium by David Guetta ft. Sia..

"You shout it loud, but I can't hear a word you say

I'm talking loud, not saying much

I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet

You shoot me down, but l get up

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down, but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down, but I won't fall

I am Titanium...."

I looked up at Christian with his beautiful smile on his face the smile that made my heart melt inside of me. "Your voice is beautiful Linda. It really truely is beautiful you should be way more confident with yourself." But before l could reply my face was already in his hands and his lips were soft on mine. He pulled back and looked at me in the eyes holding my gaze.


"I love you..." I can't believe it. Is this true is it real? Christian Anthony loves me... I love him back right?


Soz im weird and im sorry it took so but please tell me what you think PLEASE!!I WANT FEEDBACK!!!! IM SO SORRY ITS SO SHORT!!!!!!!!! Please :) 
And sorry that it has taken so long please tell me if you think i should continue my fanfic or stop it :/ i don't know wat to do. 5 votes or comments then I might update please vote xx

Love is Hard, But is it worth it? (What About Tonight FF)Where stories live. Discover now