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❀----✿Hello! If you're reading this book then this book has some slight/mild language features If you're not comfortable with this, then I'm sorry

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Hello! If you're reading this book then this book has some slight/mild language features If you're not comfortable with this, then I'm sorry

"Hello" - talking
"😁 " - cussing
"HELLO" - yelling

Hello you guys, as an amateur writer, I want to thank you all for reading this and my other books, even the weirdest ones I have written from over 2 years ago but I'm glad you all still love it

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Hello you guys, as an amateur writer, I want to thank you all for reading this and my other books, even the weirdest ones I have written from over 2 years ago but I'm glad you all still love it. But as any ordinary human, I have school and I might be off of Wattpad for a while, but since I have exams coming up, I'll be leaving this book on hold until further notice.

I will continue to update my draft for the next chapter of this book but I have editors now so I'll publish whenever I can, but it won't happen soon, maybe in mid May early June, I'll publish

My school is pretty shitty at the moment but I'll have to get through with it since idk if I'm going to be promoted or not.... Do this book, again is going to be on Hiatus for a while.

See you until then!

See you until then!

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Hello, this is not an update, but it is an update for my hiatus!

My plans of this book were gonna skyrock by the time I've seen the school clock hit 4:30

But, my plans of writing until my heart's content were ruined, as of right now, I'm in the countryside for the summer, and as for the countryside, my phone doesn't work as much out here.

I don't own any other devices besides my phone, and my money was stolen when I had 50$ to buy a new laptop for myself and for my school.

Before I go on ranting about how I would've written better with a laptop...

My plans were ruined as well as for this book, as a disclaimer, my books aren't going to be discontinued.

My plans for this book were indeed going to be written with each amount of care.

But if you've seen my community post, my plans were ruined as of right now, my Google docs deleted every single chapter I have written of this book.

This book had 3-4 more chapters that were supposed to be released on Saturday July 12.

Those chapters were deleted, along with the other new chapters for the upcoming books "Hidden world" and "Hashira-sama"

As any amateur writer, I have Grammer mistakes, dialogue being chosen wrong, but do not fret! I have indeed improved over the summer!

And I haven't even updated my Wattpad yet, by the way...

Why does it need updating so much? Like I've never knew why—


I'm sorry but this book and along with my other books (and the one book on my alt account) are again on hold! Which means I'm not gonna give up on my amazing ideas.

Thank you for your time, I hope you truly understand how much disappointed I've felt when I found out that my future book chapters along with new ideas were deleted.

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