1) Rules and Regulations

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I was sitting with Sonya who was once again telling me that I needed to loosen up for once in my life. I just rolled my eyes at her antics.

"Sonya, there are rules here for a reason. It keeps everybody safe. I'd much rather be bored every now and again then be dead."

"Come on Y/N. All we know is this place. It's not like it's going anywhere anytime soon so you might as well live a little."

I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

"Our routine is why we're living in the first place,"I reminded her.

"At least come to the Blondie celebration with me,"She pleaded. I put my hand on her shoulder so she would stop talking. She's got a way with people that could make them do just about anything.

"I appreciate what you're trying to do. I honestly do, but that stuff just isn't for me. I just don't find it fun like you do,"I explained. I could see the disappointment in her face, but she nodded in understanding before helping me pick up our tent a bit more.

We were about the same level of messy so it was never too bad. It's not like we had a lot of stuff anyway. It helped that we still had our own sides. We even have our own blades that we engraved our initials in.

The one thing she doesn't know about is the journal that I came up with. I'm sure she has things I don't know about.
Plus there's nothing serious in it. It only has basic things about my day and lists.
Even though it has nothing worth reading the idea of having a secret felt nice. I just liked the excitement of it. I think it's what normal teenagers do, and sometimes I want to feel that.

"Hey, I need you two to help us greet the new Blondie. You know how they can get,"Harriet called.

"I'll be right there,"Sonya called back. I put my blade in my boot just in case. You never know how they'll react. Sometimes they're horrified, and sometimes they ask way too many questions. There's even been a few that asked about the scar on my cheek in-between their blubbering. Even though it's been about two years it's still noticable from a good five feet away. I've been asked about it by a few nosy people. It's the quickest way to piss Sonya off. Nobody likes nosy people.

Most of us were waiting for the new girl. A few of them were preparing for the bonfire tonight by getting wood while others were making sure we had enough supplies and weapons on standby.

Of course we'll never kill or seriously hurt a Blondie. We just need to be ready for their reactions. Some scream, some try to hide, some run, some freeze, and some are ready to kill. Since there weren't that many people when I came up I froze. I didn't see them as a threat, but I still didn't want to show weakness just in case they were.

We all heard the Box let out its usual ear splitting screech as it came up. I stretched and got up to see the new Blondie staring up with wide eyes. So far she was a freezer.

"Where . . . where am I? What's my name? Why-why can't I remember?"She asked, looking ready to start sobbing at any moment.

"We'll answer your questions in a minute. We have to get you out first. Can one of you hand me the rope?"I asked, holding my hand behind me. Someone threw it to me, and I tossed it down to her. She looked up skeptically. I don't blame her. There really isn't a right reaction for ending up in a Box with no memory surrounded by strangers.

"No one's going to hurt you. We just need to get you out first,"I said as gently as possible so I didn't freak her out even more.
After taking one last look she shakily grabbed the rope. I held onto it as she climbed up.

"There you go. You feeling okay?"I asked.

"She probably feels great, just like we did,"Beth said sarcastically. I glared at her before turning back to the Blondie.

"She's always like that. She'll warm up to you, somewhat"I said, adding the last part under my breath.

Beth is always on edge. At this point we've accepted that. It's not like I hate her. We've just never seen eye to eye. She is a hard worker though, and she contributes a lot to the Spring.

"Why am I here?"The Blondie repeated.

"We don't have an answer for that. Look, I'm not in charge here, but I can show you who is and answer basic questions if you have any,"I offered.

"Can you tell me what exactly this place is? How did I get here?"

"I can answer those. This is the Spring. We don't know a lot about it. Just that it's always like this, and we have no clue how or why,"I answered. She nodded before going silent again clearly struggling to take it all in.

"Y/N, You're needed in the gardens. I'll take it from here,"Harriet called. I nodded and waved to the new girl before heading off.


Everyone was dead asleep. I should be too, but for some reason I can't. Something feels wrong. I tried turning over, but that did nothing.

After a while I gave up and pulled my journal and pen out. Even though I plan everything else out I don't like planning for what I write. Tonight would be no different.

Dear Journal,
I can't sleep yet. I'm exhausted beyond belief and can hardly keep my eyes open. It's just that something's off. I don't know what, and there's no explanation or even proof that something's wrong. It's just this feeling of dread, like something bad is going to happen, and I won't be able to stop it.

I know if I tell someone they'll say I'm being paranoid or even going insane. Sometimes I wonder if I am. What would telling someone even do at that point? There's no proof for that either. I think about losing my mind a lot. I wish I could ask if that was normal, but nothing really is. Not being in a giant maze or having giant monsters that can fly right next to you. Not having a giant box that brings up a living person every month. Nothing makes sense.

That's why I like control. When I'm in control I know what's coming next. I can convince myself that this is normal, and that I'm not losing my mind. I can convince myself that the entire world is like this.

Eventually though, when the sky grows dark and those walls close I'm forced to think again and accept that I'm not in control. That's when I have to worry about going insane.

Goodbye for now,

Nothing But Trouble(Aris Jones x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now