6) New Life Or Certain Death

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I woke up to Sonya shaking me. I sat up wondering how I could have slept in. Panic instantly ran through my veins. It's true that things have been going wrong, but that's all the more reason to keep some sort of routine.

"It's not your usual time. Harriet's just called a gathering,"She assured me.

"Why you wake me up then? I'm not a Keeper,"I asked.

"It's for everyone. Something else has gone wrong with that Spring."

I felt like I would throw up. It might have been about the Shade, but what if it wasn't? What if there's something even more freaky going on in the Spring?

"Come on. Meet everyone by the box,"She instructed. I could only manage a weak nod.

My stomach felt sick the entire way there. Everyone was standing there whispering to each other. I stayed in the back not wanting to hear anything they were saying. My ears felt like they were ringing. Sonya was off with Harriet already as second-in-command.

I felt someone stand next to me and turned my head to see it was just Aris. He probably didn't want to be around the crowd. One because some of them thought he should be banished and two because people drain him.

"Do you think it's about what we heard?"He whispered.

"I don't know. I hope so,"I whispered back.

He was about to say something else when Harriet walked to the front of the crowd. All eyes were on her now.

"Right. Since I need everyone we're doing a headcount. When I call your name say here,"She instructed.

I was only half listening as she went down the list to lost in thought. My mind was racing with every possibility of what could call for a meeting this late.

"Y/N,"She yelled, snapping me out of it.

"Here,"I called. She nodded and moved down the list. Each name she called was another second I was left in the dark. I started to feel like my scar was itching again. It was something I knew wasn't true, but that didn't stop the uncomfortable sensation in my skin. I tried to think of anything else. It didn't work.

I felt Aris slip his hand into mine. My face burned, but I didn't question him. It was something else to focus on. There was the same feeling of when he traced my scars earlier. The same electric feeling flowed through me. It was both calming and nerve wracking.

"Okay. Now for what I called you all out here for. Everything is changing and not for the better. The box isn't going down anytime soon. That's why I've made a decision that soon we need to leave. You all have one week to make your decision. In the meantime those who know they're coming start gathering what you need."

Beth stood up, and I knew things were about to get nasty. She was a few loose screws away from being a complete nut job.

"This isn't right! We all need to stay! Something will happen soon to help us! We don't know what's out there!"She screamed.

"I'm quite aware of that Beth. You don't have to go,"Harriet said calmly.

"The Skaters have been out there for years! They've never seen anything different!"She kept screaming.

"As I said earlier, anyone who doesn't want to go is more than welcome to stay,"She repeated.

"You're all going to die! You're all a bunch of idiots running towards certain death if you leave!"She shrieked. Nobody said anything. It seemed like certain death to wait and a chance of dying if we leave. I knew which one I was choosing.

"Fine. When the survivors come running back I'm throwing you right back in that death trap,"She snarled, before stomping off. Unsurprisingly, Ruth followed her.

"I'm leaving. If I were you I'd do the same,"I whispered to Aris.

"I am. No one's safe anywhere. It's better to have a small chance than none at all."

"That's exactly what I was thinking. Goodnight Aris,"I said, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Goodnight Y/N,"He responded, before letting go. A small part of me didn't want him to, but I ignored it. I have an escape to pack for.

Sonya was silently packing when I came back. It was really just a small pile of items in the middle. A few clothes, a blade, and a water bottle were all in the middle.

I went and did the same. While I had my clothes and blade I added my some skates, watch, journal, and pen. It didn't matter if she saw it anymore. I also knew it wouldn't be seen as necessary, but I needed it. It was always there for me through this hell. Leaving it behind felt like leaving a part of me.

"How many girls do you think will come?"She asked quietly.

"I don't know. I know you, me, Aris, Harriet, most likely Minnie, and probably Flora. I'm not sure about everyone else,"I replied.

"You don't think Beth will convince a lot of girls to stay, right?"She asked nervously.

"Sonya, I don't know anything right now. I just know that I'm going no matter what,"I answered honestly.

"What about the Maze for you though? Do you think you'll react badly if we see a Shade?"She asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't want to think about that yet,"I admitted.

"You have to. You need to make sure you can keep it together if you see one,"She told me.

"I don't want to think about it yet. I'm going to get outside before everyone else,"I said, grabing my journal. She nodded and bit the inside of her cheek.

I could see her ready to say something else. I've never seen her like this before. It was almost scary to see her so quiet. I walked over and hugged her. She hugged back tightly. Even if I'm not a fan of them she needs it right now. My friends come first.

"We have to get out,"She muttered.

"We will. Try to get some rest. I'll see you in a bit."

She nodded and put her items in a pile by the foot of her sleeping bag. I didn't stop to see if she actually tried to sleep. I needed to think. Even if this is a double journal entry I don't know how much longer I'll truly have it. We don't know what lies outside these walls.

Dear Journal,
We're leaving soon. I know this is a double entry, but I need to think clearly. Even if it's not a complete page I need to make sure my mind isn't so cloudy. I have to stay sharp especially if I come across a Shade. I can't freeze like I did when I came out of the box. I know there's a threat this time. One wrong move and you're dead or worse. I promised Sonya and Aris that we'd get out. I can't break my promises especially not to Sonya. She's been with me from the beginning. As for Aris, I need him to escape. Beth will probably kill him if he stays. I can't lose them. I'm vowing to protect them with my life even if it's literally.

Hopefully I see you again,

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