8) Confidence Is Key

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Everyone who was going had their stuff packed. Rosalie had packed most of the canned food. We had saved three or four for the girls staying. Obviously they already got everything that would perish, but we needed the majority of the cans.

"Everyone take at least three. If you need more only take five. There's no point in dying from a mistake,"Harriet instructed. If only that was the only fatal mistake you could make out there. One wrong turn, or one missed detail, and you're dead. Of course there are worse things than being dead. I learned that first hand.

"You've got the veggies. Here,"Rosalie said, tossing me a can. I caught them and put them in my bag.

"If you have your cans go double check your bags. Have a water bottle and at least one weapon. I cannot stress this enough. One mistake, and it's over,"Harriet repeated. At this point a few people looked like they'd rather just starve. Even so, there was unimaginable danger out there. They had to be ready for it.


"Y/N, Minnie needs you,"Sonya called.

"Give me a minute,"I replied, checking everything else off my list. Once I was satisfied I headed out.

"She was by the Skater area. She should still be there."

"Thanks Sonya."

Sure enough Minnie was by the Skater celler with a few of the other girls. This time every Skater was here instead of just the five going.

"Minnie, Sonya said you needed me?"I asked.

"Yeah. We're just showing them the basic training to see if we need to hold it back a day. Since you were an ex-Skater do you mind helping out? Everyone's perfectly paired up except for the boy,"She explained.

"Yeah. Do you have the skates out?"

"I saved your old ones for you just in case. The boy has his already."

"Thank you,"I responded awkwardly. What was the just in case? I thought it was obvious I was never coming back to the Maze. At least, if I never had to.

I took a deep breath as I laced them up. They fit just as perfectly as the first time I put them on. I forget what it felt like when I first wore them. I had hope for a way out. Now was different. Finding an exit was the only way to see another day.

I tried to push those thoughts to the back of my mind. I had to focus on making sure the others could skate.

"Did Minnie help you find your size?"I asked.

"She did. They're tied and everything,"He shrugged.

"That's good. Can you just show me what you might know? Some people already have muscle memory when they come up,"I explained.

"I doubt I do but sure."

To be honest he reminded me of a baby deer leaning how to walk. It wasn't as bad as it could be though. Besides a few falls he wasn't necessarily the worst. At least, he was doing better than Annie.

"You're doing great. Just watch me so we can work on the falling."

"Okay,"He nodded.

"My feet are slightly apart. Then, I glide on the ice. That just means I put one foot forward and slide the other slightly off the ice behind me. If I wanted to stop I'd put one skate in front of me sideways. Did you get all that?"I asked.

"I think so,"He said nervously.

"Give it another go,"I instructed.

This time was better, but his form was off. He was trying to control the ice instead of working with it.

"Stop. You're overthinking it. Just give me your hand, and we'll try together,"I said, holding out my hand. He put his palm in mine. It was a welcome break from the cold air.

"Now glide with me at an even pace. One foot in front of the other. Ready?"I asked.

"I think so,"He replied.

"That's not an answer Aris. There is no I think so out there. You have to be clear minded and confident. Are you ready?"I repeated firmer.

"I'm ready,"He answered.

"Good. Then, start gliding with me."

He caught on quicker this time. All the while I tried not to get to memorized with the feeling of being back in the ice.

"Slow down and stop,"I directed, pushing out my left skate. He followed my lead perfectly.

"This is going to sound stupid but practice catching yourself from a fall. You need to be able to get up immediately. This time just watch."

Without looking back I pushed off. Pieces of snow collected in my hair. Despite the terrible things in the Maze there was still a freedom to it. The scratching of the ice below my feet used to feel like it was echoing off the walls, causing panic at times and childlike joy at others. It came as naturally as breathing to me. The feeling of the cold nipping at my face was unforgettable in the best and worst way possible.

An extra strong breeze bought me back to reality. It was definitely for the best. After the nice daydreams come the terrifying nightmares.

"Did you catch all that?"I asked.

"Yeah. Bend my knees and put one foot away before sliding again. Right?"He clarified.

"Exactly like that. You catch on quick,"I complimented.

"You're just a good teacher,"He mumbled.

"Confidence Aris. You can have all the skill in the world, but when you're out there without confidence you're nothing. I promised I'd get you out, right? Then listen to my words. Confidence is key. It's the only way to truly survive in the Maze."

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