7) I Trust You

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I woke up in complete darkness. The odd thing was that Sonya was already awake and frantically digging through her stuff.

"Sonya, it's early,"I groaned, groggy and half asleep.

"No Y/N. The Skaters just checked their watches,"She told me, sounding panicked.

"So? What's different about that?"I asked.

They have to check their watches everyday before they go skate.

"It's noon,"She deadpanned, looking straight at me. I searched her face for a hint of a smile or any signs that she was joking. There was nothing there.

"But that's impossible. The sun can't just disappear. Are they sure the watches aren't wrong or something like that?"I asked, now completely awake. There has to be a logical explanation for this. There's probably a logical explanation for the dead Shade. It's not like there's some kind of magic surrounding us.

"We've checked them for that. Y/N, it's all of the watches, and we've been up for hours. Just come see,"She instructed, already outside the tent before I could answer. Without bothering to change into clean clothes I followed her.

The girls were all in clusters with their friends. Some groups were more panicked than others while some were just sitting on the ground saying nothing. The one thing that was the same was that you had to squint your eyes to properly see them. The impossible had happened. The sun had just disappeared.

"Where's Harriet? What does she have to say about all this?"I asked Sonya.

"She's in the kitchen gathering supplies. We leave tomorrow the second those doors open,"She explained. I looked over to those same doors I used to go in everyday. In less than 24 hours I'd be right back there where I lost my mind. I can't even properly remember it. I only know what it felt like.

"I told you! I told all of you something like this would happen! We have to do something!"Beth shouted, trying to start some sort of rebellion. I was done with her but curious so I stayed silent in the background. "If we leave something worse will happen! This is a test! It's all a test!"She yelled, going red in the face. It was clear she was just going to go on another rant about why we had to stay.

"I'm going to go. I don't want to listen to this,"I whispered to Sonya. She nodded in acknowledgement as I walked back to our tent.

Whatever Harriet gives us to carry
Bag to carry everything
Water bottle

I checked everything off the list and put it in the bag knowing I'd just come back for it later to double check anyway. Plus, I still had to see what Harriet needed us to carry. I'm going to do everything I can to help all of us get out of here safely even if it means giving my life. I'd rather have my friends see the real world than know I failed them. They saved me. Now I was going to help save them if the time came to it.

"Knock knock. You changing?"Sonya asked from outside the tent.

"No. You can come in,"I assured her. She unzipped it, came in, and collapsed on her side clearly exhausted. I'm sure having to be second-in-command during all this was draining her.

"You okay? Do you need anything?"I asked.

"Nah. I'm just taking a break from everything. Now that people have to make an instant choice everything has turned to absolute chaos,"She sighed. In the kindest way possible she looked like a mess. Her blonde hair was sticking out in every direction, and her clothes were wrinkled and covered in snow.

"You're going to be able to get people out. You can't force anyone to though. Some people are more comfortable with everything they've known them risking the unknown,"I reassured her. She shrugged still on her bed.

"I work in a garden everyday. I don't fight stupid Shades and skate for my life,"She replied in a monotone voice.

"By the way Harriet's holding a meeting in the town hall in like twenty minutes for everyone that wants to come,"She informed me. Knowing how close we truly were twisted my stomach in knots.

"Sounds good,"I managed to say. From there we both sat in silence lost in our thoughts.


Everyone was talking over one another. The meeting hall wasn't particularly crowded. I counted about twenty people and five of them were Skaters.

"Calm down. I need order. Now if you're going one at a time say your name. I need to know what we're dealing with,"Harriet instructed. I stood in the back with Aris waiting for everyone to finish.

"Then, Y/N and Aris. I take it you two are going?"She asked.

"Yeah. We're going with,"I told her. She recounted before officially started what would be everyone's last meeting. Of course the people here could find a way to start anew, but without sunlight you could only last so long.

"Everyone is going to have to help carry things. Three cans of food, a water bottle and at least one weapon. If you're worried you'll need more, take no more than five. We don't want to be weighed down,"She directed.

"We should have some more Skaters skates. Everyone could try them on to make sure they'll truly fit and get some practice. I'm sure that we could find enough for everyone,"Minnie suggested.

"Great idea. Can the Skaters go down and get the weapons and everything down there? If you need some help just ask. Now get ready. I'll hand out the food tomorrow,"Harriet commanded.

"How well do you really think this is going to work?"Aris asked quietly.

"I don't know, but we can only do our best,"I told him. It was clear he was still nervous. I'm sure we all were. I knew I was scared out of my mind.

"I have more knowledge of the Maze than most people here. I'm going to help get us out. I promised you I'd get you out, and I meant it,"I said softly.

"I know Y/N. I trust you,"He said, taking my hand. I ignored the blush threatening to make its way to my face.

"That's good because it looks like you're going to have to."

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