Chapter 1

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Kyojuro frowned, wiping the blood from his blade. Another night of patrolling, with little to show for it. A fine mist of rain dampened his skin. It was late, the city bathed in darkness, aside from the few establishments still open this time of night.

"Why so glum? That's not very flashy of you." Uzui flashed his friend a smile, hand resting on the hood of the Maserati.

Kyojuro's knit his brow together in frustration. "It's been weeks, and there's barely been any demon sightings. Doesn't that bother you?"

Uzui waved his hand, "Of course it does, but it's not like we can flush them out exactly. All we can do is continue to patrol until something comes up. Besides, it's given me more time to be with my wives." Kyojuro hummed in response, still unconvinced.

Uzui lightly smacked his hand on the hood, breaking Kyojuro's thought. "Come on, I'm starving. Let's grab something to eat. Think I saw a diner not far from here that was still open."


Uzui parked the car across from the diner. They took their jackets off and wrapped their swords in them, placing them in the trunk. Kyojuro didn't like to be far from his sword, but not much could be done about it. It wasn't like they could walk around with them, it would draw attention. Panic. The police. Kyojuro rolled his sleeves up, looking across the street at the bright neon sign of the diner. He wiped the mist from his face and headed inside.

The two men sat at the counter on swivel barstools with cracked upholstery. The place was worn down, but seemed clean enough. A few other patrons were around, but the place was virtually dead. It's almost 2am, no surprise there. Kyojuro grabbed a menu absent-mindedly, not really paying attention to the words on the page.

"You boys are in here awful late" came a clear and friendly voice. Kyojuro's eyes shot up, his breath hitched. His golden eyes met big doe eyes. Her hair was auburn and pulled back in a high ponytail, fringe bangs framed her face. A light dusting of freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. Her lips were full, pink, and looked impossibly soft. Kyojuro wanted to kiss them. She smiled at him, her eyes sparkled. For a brief moment they were in their own little world.

Tengen barked a laugh, breaking the moment. "What is that accent! Where are you from?" The waitress' smile never faltered, as she placed two cups of coffee in front of them.

"Asheville, North Carolina" she said proudly. Tengen was nearly in tears. "I have no idea where that is, but you sound ridiculous." Kyojuro didn't think so, he thought her voice sounded sweet, like honey. Kyojuro elbowed Uzui trying to get him to stop. The waitress rolled her eyes playfully, and pulled out a piece of paper from behind the counter. On it was a map of the US, with New York, Texas, and California labeled. North Carolina was also labeled, with a star indicating where Asheville was within the state.

"I get this reaction a lot from new customers. This saves time. Y'all wouldn't believe how many people think I'm close to Texas. So what can I get you boys?"

Tengen held up his fingers, "Two burgers, Car-o-lina" he jokingly over annunciated.

"It's Charlotte" She smiled as she walked back to the kitchen to put in the order, Kyojuro's eyes followed her. Taking in her soft curves and the way she filled out her jeans. Charlotte.

"Buddy, your lack of subtlety is embarrassingly bad." Tengen chided jokingly, Rengoku's face flushed slightly with embarrassment and he reached for his coffee.

Charlotte stood on the other side of the kitchen doors, her heart pounding. The quiet one of the two had nearly taken her breath away. His hair was like flames, chiseled jawline, and captivating gold and red eyes. She could've looked at him forever.

A short while later Charlotte returned with their food. By now the few remaining patrons had cleared out, leaving the three alone, aside from the cook and busboy in the back. Tengen motioned for her to stay, he took a bite of his food, "So Car-o-lina, what brings you all the way to Japan?"

"Lots of folks say when they wanna get outta their hometown they head for either New York City or Hollywood. Hell most don't even make it to the next town over. I wanted to go further, I wanted adventure. Figured Japan was just about the furthest point I could get. Course I didn't expect myself to still end up be nothing more than a waitress at an all night diner."

You're so much more than that. "Your Japanese is quite good." Kyojuro gently praised her. Charlotte's lips curved in a soft smile. So he talks. She liked the timbre of his voice. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Thanks, been here about two years. It's definitely gotten better. Most folks couldn't hardly understand me when I first got here."

"I wonder why" Tengen joked finishing his burger.

"So, what do you two do that brings you in so late?"

"Security." Kyojuro and Uzui answered in unison. Heads snapping up when they realized their synchronicity. Charlotte arched an eyebrow as she cleared their plates. She took in their appearance fully. The taller one has long white hair, loosely pulled back with messy stands falling about his maroon eyes. He was playful and cocky. Dressed in black, with a purple paisley vest and matching tie. He looked sharp, expensive. His nails painted green and red. Like a peacock. The other man was dressed equally as sharp, but far more subtle. All black, save for a crimson tie that matched the tips of his hair.

Charlotte walked back to the kitchen, returning a few moments later with two plates of pie. "On the house. Unfortunately all I have left for the day is sweet potato pie." Kyojuro's eyes lit up with excitement. "Umai!" He shouted with a closed eyed smile after taking a bite. It was amazing. Charlotte jumped slightly at his enthusiastic reaction. "Yeah, he does that. You get used to it." Tengen took a bite of his own pie, nodding in agreement. The pie was good, he couldn't deny it. Charlotte relaxed and smiled. "Well I'm glad y'all like it, I make the pies myself."

"Pretty sure that's not the only pie he wants to eat," Tengen mumbled to himself digging his fork back in. Kyojuro flushed crimson, but thanked the heavens above that Charlotte hadn't seemed to have heard him.

"So do I get to learn the mysterious Security men's names, who blew in through a no name diner in the middle of the night dressed to the nines? Or is that classified?" She winked playfully.

"Call me Tengen." He jammed a thumb over at Kyojuro. "That's Rengoku." Last names only, at least it's something. Charlotte looked over to Rengoku, her eyes widened slightly. She grabbed a napkin and ran it under the water tab at the soda fountain behind her. She turned back and leaned over the counter, inches from Kyojuro's face. He stiffened, but relaxed at her touch. She gently wiped a spot along his jaw, and pulled the wet napkin back to show him it was stained red. Blood. "Security indeed" Charlotte whispered, her eyes meeting his again. Tengen cleared his throat and stood. "I think it's time we leave. Catch you around Carolina." He threw some money down on the counter and walked out the door. Kyojuro lingered a moment at the counter, he crooked his finger at Charlotte and she leaned back in. "Call me Kyojuro" he said lowly, sending a shiver down her spine. He got up and followed Tengen out the door.

Rengoku slid into the passenger seat. Tengen barked a laugh. "Man you got it BAD. I thought you were gonna fuck her right there on the counter."

"Tengen..." Rengoku groaned exasperated.

"I'm kidding! Mostly. I could hear your heart pounding though. Thought it was going to slam outta your chest." He started the engine. "Besides, her heart was beating loud too. She's cute, go for it." Tengen flashed his friend a smile before peeling off into the night while Kyojuro looked out the window smiling to himself.

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