Chapter 10

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Kyojuro's heart sank into his stomach as the alert flashed across his phone. Code Red: Diner. An Upper Rank had been spotted. The coordinates revealed that it was the diner that Charlotte worked at. In that moment he knew one of them had her. He slammed his hand on the wheel, furious with himself. He couldn't keep her safe. He had failed her. Kyojuro said a silent prayer to himself as he rushed to the location, hoping he'd get to her in time.


"Quit struggling, or I'm going to have to break your arm, and I'm not in the habit of hurting women." The demon snarled at Charlotte. Charlotte scoffed, "You expect me to believe that?" The demon cocked an eyebrow at her and leaned in close. "Only men." He smiled maliciously, eyes darting to the side. Charlotte followed his gaze, the body of one of their late night patrons lay sprawled on the floor, a large hole in his chest. Dark blood pooled around him. Charlotte inhaled, trying to steady herself. She looked back at the yellow-eyed demon. "Who are you?"

"My name is Akaza, I'm Upper Rank Three." Charlotte saw the corresponding kanji engraved into his eyes. She knew she was in trouble. The Upper Rank demons have remained unchanging for hundreds of years. Kyojuro's words rang in her ears.

Charlotte licked her lips, "What do you want?"

Akaza smiled at her, a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I've been watching you for some time." Charlotte's eyes widened. Akaza nodded. "I've been watching that Flame Hashira of yours as well. Every time he'd come and see you at night in this disgusting place. I had other demons congregate in mass near his patrol point, far away from here, to keep him busy. To keep him away from you. That way..." Akaza gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. He leaned in close, whispering the last words in her ear. "I can use you as bait."


Kyojuro's car squealed to a stop. Charlotte's Denali was crushed, the front end smashed by the telephone pole. He jumped out and rushed over to Sanemi. Kyojuro's eyes widened when he saw his younger brother in the driver's seat, unconscious but breathing. Sanemi looked at him grimly. "Go. I'll get him to the hospital." Kyojuro nodded, and took off for the diner, running as fast as his legs would carry him.


Charlotte tried to shield her face as an intense heat blew the glass out of the restaurant's window. Shards of smoking debris rained down around her. The dust settled and Charlotte gasped. Kyojuro stood on the other side of the diner in a defensive position. His eyes burning with rage. Did Kyojuro do that? Kyojuro walked through the destroyed window, the glass crunching under his shoes. His gaze momentarily flickered over to Charlotte before settling on Akaza.

"Let her go." He warned through gritted teeth.

Akaza smiled, hand on Charlotte's shoulder. "Gladly." Without warning he threw her against the nearby wall. Charlotte grunted at the impact and crashed to the floor.

"Destructive Death: Air Type" Akaza punched the air in front of him, creating a shockwave and sent it hurling towards Rengoku.

"Third Form: Blazing Universe" Kyojuro swung his blade down in an arc, severing the impact of Akaza's attack. I have to get closer. "First Form: Unknowing Fire" Kyojuro charged forward, attempting to unleash a singular slash to decapitate the demon.

Akaza blocked him deftly, dodging every attack. Toying with Kyojuro. Charlotte could barely keep up with them. They're so fast. Is this the power of the Hashira? She watched mesmerized as Kyojuro moved. He was human, and holding his own against an Upper Rank. Charlotte knew that he was skilled, but had no clue of the true extent until now.

Suddenly Charlotte heard a sickening crunch. Kyojuro had just barely dodged Akaza's punch. His orbital bone shattered. He staggered back. Another blow and Kyojuro's ribs were broken. Charlotte stared wide-eyed, he was losing.

Kyojuro looked to Charlotte with his one good eye. Her doe eyes staring directly into his gold and red one. This was his fault. She had become a target because of him. He took in her features one final time. Her soft lips, the sprinkle of freckles across her nose and cheeks, her eyes that held a deep warmth. He would never get the chance to tell her how much he loved her. He set his mouth in a thin line, firming his resolve. Kyojuro turned to Akaza. "Ninth Form: Rengoku" Kyojuro took a high stance and charged. The heat was almost unbearable to Charlotte. "Destructive Death: Anhilation Type". Akaza crouched low, palms ready to strike. I have to do something! He won't survive this! Before Akaza could land a killing blow he felt something slam into the side of his head with a dull thunk, knocking him off balance. His fist crashed into Kyojuro's solar plexus, crushing more ribs, but didn't fully penetrate him. Akaza looked down with a furious annoyance.

A frying pan!? Charlotte's distraction gave Kyojuro the opening he needed. Without a word he unceremoniously severed Akaza's head from his shoulders. Akaza let out a bitter laugh as he began to disintegrate. His yellow eyes flicked to Rengoku. "This is far from over. Muzan will come for you all" he warned before fading away.

"We'll be ready." Kyojuro solemnly vowed before falling to his knees. Charlotte rushed to his side. The roof above them began to groan. The restaurant wouldn't hold much longer. Charlotte put her arms around Kyojuro, she could feel his broken ribs and blood through his jacket. He was in agony, but did his best to ignore the pain. She half dragged him along, barely able to support him. She could see the exit, it was close. The roof groaned louder. No, not like this. We're so close. Suddenly she felt powerful arms propel her forward out the restaurant. The warm summer air felt cool on her skin after the blazing inferno of the diner. The roof collapsed a moment later. Charlotte looked over to see Kyojuro laying on his back on the pavement. "Kyojuro!" She sobbed running over to him. She grabbed his hand in hers, tears staining her face as she cried. She felt a finger brush one of her tears away and opened her eyes. Golden eyes peered back at her. "I'm ok sunflower."

"Sunflower?" Tengen made a gagging sound. "Maybe I should've left you two in that diner."

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