Chapter 3

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Kyojuro frowned looking up at Charlotte's apartment building. His fingers strummed on the wheel. He didn't like where she was staying. It wasn't far from the diner, but neither of them were in particularly good areas. Demon activity had been more active in this area of the city. This portion of Tokyo was patrolled by Shinazugawa. I'll be sure to have him keep an eye out on things, Kyojuro mused. His phone buzzed and he dug it out of his pocket. He smiled as he looked down.

Be out in a sec :)

Kyojuro swallowed and suddenly realized he was nervous. He couldn't remember the last time he had been on a proper date. Would she even like what he had planned? His worry dissolved when he saw Charlotte step out the lobby door. Kyojuro was stunned. Her hair fell down in gentle curls that blew lightly with the rare summer breeze. She wore a flouncy cornflower blue summer dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. Kyojuro got out of the car and approached her. She smiled, tucking a curl behind her ear. "You look beautiful" he whispered, causing her to blush slightly. He loved when she blushed. The way it made her freckles stand out against her fair skin. Charlotte mumbled her thanks and allowed him to escort her to his car.

The ride was quite, but not uncomfortable. Kyojuro kept stealing glances at Charlotte. Doubt began to creep in again once he parked. He got out of the Jag and walked to the passenger side, helping Charlotte out. She gave him a close eyed smiled, "Ever the gentleman. So, what do you have planned for us." Charlotte looked around, vaguely recognizing that they were outside a large park.

Kyojuro clicked a button on his key fob and the trunk popped open. "I wanted to take you on a picnic here at Shinjuku. I hope that's alright?" Kyojuro had racked his brain thinking of the perfect date for them. He didn't want to take her to a restaurant, he figured she dealt with the atmosphere enough in her everyday life. He wanted her to see the more simplistic and beautiful side of the city. Mitsuri had gushed over the idea, and Senjuro had been thrilled at the prospect. He looked up at Charlotte nervously, awaiting her reaction.

Charlotte beamed at him, "Oh Kyojuro, that sounds perfect!"


Kyojuro poured another glass of wine for Charlotte. His fingers brushed gently across hers as he passed her the glass, causing them both to flush slightly. It had been a perfect day. Warm and sunny, with a light breeze to keep them cool. Kyojuro noted that Charlotte smelled lightly of strawberries whenever the wind blew. They had spent the day sitting upon a checkered blanket, watching boats sail on the pond. A lazy and relaxing afternoon. Something Kyojuro was not used to.

He would have to thank Senjuro when he got home. Senjuro had packed them a delicious lunch with strawberries for dessert. Kyojuro was embarrassed to admit that his younger brother had been the one to arrange the food. Insisted on it more like. Charlotte had laughed uncontrollably when she found out that Kyojuro could barely boil water without burning the kitchen down.

Charlotte asked him all about Senjuro after that. He was happy tell her about him, and she listened with rapt interest. She learned that Kyojuro was Senjuro's legal guardian. Kyojuro admitted that he felt bad that his work kept him from his brother most of the time. He made sure he was well provided for, but that couldn't make up for a lack of presence. He was in school, and visited his friends from time to time, but mostly he stayed home alone worrying about when his brother would come home. Charlotte gave Kyojuro a sympathetic look, then suggested that if it wasn't too far, Senjuro was welcome to stay at the diner while she was working at night. That way he wouldn't be so lonesome. Kyojuro smiled at her peculiar way with words, but agreed that was an excellent idea.

Charlotte took a sip from her glass before setting it down in the grass beside her. She ran her hand over the blades and yellow dandelions that dotted the lawn. She plucked a white fluffy dandelion and laid down next to where Kyojuro was sitting, his arms propping him up. Her head was swimming with a light buzz. She felt giddy. The sun was beginning to set. "Make a wish." She instructed him, holding the dandelion to his face. He cocked an eyebrow at her confused. "Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow." Kyojuro chuckled at his silly request, but obliged. The seeds swirled in the air around them, before being carried off. Kyojuro looked down at Charlotte, who had her eyes closed, a soft smile graced her lips. He could have looked at her in that moment forever. She opened her eyes, and blinked lazily at him, her smile never fading. Kyojuro's breath hitched, he bent down to meet her face, his lips softly brushed against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him in closer to her, fingers running gently through his firey mane. He tentatively ran his tongue along her lower lip, her lips parted allowing him access. She continued to play with his hair while he kissed her, tugging lightly. Kyojuro could feel his pants tightening uncomfortably. "Charlotte" he groaned. He began placing kisses down her neck, sucking gently, eliciting small moans of pleasure from her. Any notion of being a gentleman with her was fast evaporating. He wondered briefly how soon he could get them home. Minutes at this rate. His contemplation was broken by the feeling of his phone buzzing. Not now. He groaned in frustration and looked at the screen. "Damnit." 

Charlotte placed her hand over his in understanding. "Security issue?" Her doe eyes searched his with concern.

He smiled at her and sighed, "Something like that. I'm so sorry, I have to get you back."

Charlotte nodded sitting up. She helped him pack up. They quickly made their way back to the car. Kyojuro speed back to her place. He parked and Charlotte unbuckled her seat. Kyojuro grabbed her hand, stopping her from exiting. He gently cupped her face. "Charlotte I..." He didn't know how to finish, but he didn't want her to leave. He didn't want to leave.

"Kyojuro? Do you really work in security?" Charlotte bit the inside of her cheek. She needed to know. She had to know what she was getting involved with before things got too far.

"I'm responsible for keeping people safe."

"Do you kill people, Kyojuro?" She almost whispered the question. Her eyes searched his. He didn't know how to answer her. He didn't kill people, he killed demons. Far removed from their humanity. He took a deep breath.

"Yes." Better she run away now. Better she not get involved.

She leaned in and kissed him softly, his eyes widened with surprise. She pulled away, less than an inch from his face. "Let me know when you're free. You know where to find me." Without another word she exited the car and walked back to her building, leaving Kyojuro speechless.

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