Chapter 4

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Kyojuro missed Charlotte. It had been three days since their date had been cut short. He had barely had a chance to shoot her a text letting her know everything was all right. For the most part, things were. Demon activity had ramped up in a nearby prefecture. He was busy, but nothing out of the norm for him. He sat on the edge of a high-rise, looking down at the city below. Watching the people go about their nightly routines, completely unaware of the danger that lurked in the shadows. His mind drifted back to Charlotte and their kiss. The way she felt in his arms. The way she tasted. He craved her touch again. He wanted to get back to her as soon as possible. Kyojuro pressed his lips in a thin line as he observed below. There. Movement along the shadows of the alleyway. A demon was surely lying in wait for an unsuspecting and unlucky individual to pull into the darkness. Kyojuro stood from his vantage point, his thumb brushing lightly over the tsuba of his katana, and made his way to the streets below.


Charlotte sighed. She pulled her phone from her pocket, hoping for a text from Kyojuro, but knew there would be nothing there. He had sent her one message in the last three days. She read it again.

Detail running long. I'm ok. 

She wished he'd reach back out to her, that she'd look up from the counter and that he'd be there standing in the doorway flashing his warm smile at her. But that's all it was, wishful thinking. Charlotte finished filling the ketchup bottles, shouted back to the kitchen that she was leaving for the night, and started her walk back to the apartment.

Charlotte had only made it about a block when she felt a chill run down her spine. The feeling that she was being watched. She looked around, but didn't see anybody. This time of night there was rarely anyone on the street. "Must just be jumpy." She said out loud, mostly for her own comfort. Charlotte continued to the apartment, her pace having quickened slightly. The feeling that she was being watched didn't dissipate. Something was wrong. She was being watched, she was sure of it. Charlotte began to run. The apartment only a block away at this point. Suddenly something slammed into her from behind, sending her sprawling on the pavement. She turned around, eyes widened at what had hit her. A large muscular humanoid creature stared back at her with black eyes. Smiling at her with wicked fangs, drool pooling around it. It was a monster. A demon. Charlotte screamed. 

"First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter." A blade sliced through the demon's head from behind. It rolled away into the shadows. Sanemi sneered, kicking the creatures headless body as it fell forward with a dull thud. Charlotte was still on the ground, too stunned to move. She took in the appearance of the man who had just saved her. He was tall, like Kyojuro. Spiky long white hair, with wild and angry violet eyes. Deep scars marred his face. He was dressed impeccable well. His white collar shirt unbuttoned almost completely to reveal a further multitude of scars that ran along his well toned torso.

He looked at her with a cold stare, his eyes softened a fraction when she looked back at him. "You ok?" he asked gruffly. Charlotte swallowed and nodded. She pushed herself up off the pavement to stand. Sanemi nodded. "You Charlotte I take it?" 

"I am. Who are you? What's going on?"

Sanemi ignored her questions. A small smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. "Tengen was right. That accent is ridiculous." Charlotte visibly relaxed some. Whoever this man was, he knew Tengen, and likely Kyojuro. He had saved her. Charlotte opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off.

"Come on. We're leaving." Sanemi reached into his pocket and hit the button to unlock his Audi that was parked nearby. He could hear the distant beep from where he stood.

"What are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere. Look I appreciate what y'all did for me, but I don't even know who you are. Nevermind the fact that I'm almost home."

Sanemi shook his head. "It's not safe for you to go home." Charlotte tensed, debating on if she should make a run for it. "Tch. I'll catch you if you do." Her eyes widened, how did he know what she was planning? "Don't make this difficult for me. I'm doing this as a favor for Rengoku. Now go get in the damn car."

Charlotte realized that she wouldn't be able to get away. If Kyojuro had asked him to watch out for her, then despite his abrasive personality, he was probably ok. She wondered if it really was unsafe for her at her place. She looked back at the headless creature and shuddered. Without further prompting she walked with her mysterious savior back to his car.


Sanemi speed through the city with an almost reckless abandon. Maybe I should've taken my chances back there. He was quiet, almost white knuckling the steering wheel. Charlotte licked her lips. "What's your name?"

Sanemi glanced at her briefly. She's cute. He clicked his tongue, looking back at the road. "Shinazugawa."

Charlotte nodded. "Where are we going?"

"Rengoku's place." 

"Ain't much of a talker, are ya?" Sanemi didn't reply, just stepped on the gas.

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