Chapter 2

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"Rengoku and Charlotte sitting in a tree F-U-C-K-I-N-G!!" Tengen leaned back in his chair with his feet up, arms resting behind his head, mockingly singing out loud for all to hear.

Rengoku smacked Tengen on the back of the head, causing him to almost lose his balance.

"That would have to be a pretty large and sturdy branch for them to do that." Shinobu remarked with a closed eyed smile.

"Eh! You have a new lover Rengoku? Tell me about her!" Mitsuri pleaded with hands clasped.

Rengoku gently waved her off. "I'm not seeing anybody."

Tengen scoffed. "You should. You're both clearly into each other. I almost felt like a third wheel last night. Very unflashy."

"Tengen, what was she like?" Mitsuri turned to to him, hopeful that he would satisfy her curiosity.

"Cute. Curvey," he demonstrated with his hands. He grinned, "Ridiculous accent! She's from some southern state in the US. I can't hardly take her seriously."

"I like her accent" Kyojuro protested, too late. His cheeks were dusted red as the three of them looked at him. The women smiled, Tengen grinned wickedly.

"Come on! You gotta go back and ask her out!"

Kyojuro was unsure. "It's not a good idea to get involved." He wanted to. He desperately wanted to go back and see her again. But to be involved with her would put her at risk. Make her a target for a danger she knew nothing of. He couldn't do that to her, no matter how much his heart ached for her.

Tengen sighed in frustration. Mitsuri gently placed a hand on Kyojuro's shoulder. "It's important that you follow your heart Kyojuro. If you have an opportunity for love, then you must take action!" She nodded with conviction.

Tengen scoffed. "He just needs to get his dick wet."

"TENGEN!" The three exclaimed in unison. He wasn't wrong though. It has been awhile since Kyojuro had been with anyone. The occasional one night stand. Nothing serious. He couldn't afford to let anyone get involved with his life. To get close to him. Unlike his best friend, he didn't have the luxury of having not one, but three wives, involved in their world.

"Ignore him." Mitsuri gently put her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look into her big green eyes. "What do you want?"


Kyojuro sat in his car watching the diner from across the street. The neon sign was still on despite it being the middle of the afternoon, and he absent-mindedly wondered if it was ever turned off. His hands gripped the steering wheel. What do you want? Mitsuri's question replayed over in his mind. He saw Charlotte through the storefront window taking orders, and he knew. He wanted her.

The bell above the door tinkled lightly, alerting Charlotte to another customer. She looked over briefly, continuing to carry the trays of food to the other tables, her breath hitching slightly when she saw him. Kyojuro had just walked in, still looking as sharp as ever. Black slacks, black shirt with the sleeves rolled exposing his muscular arms, signature crimson tie. He caught her eye and smiled at her. Handsome as all hell.

Charlotte dropped the orders off at the rest of the tables before making her way to the front of the restaurant. "Come for more of my sweet potato pie?" She joked, her head tilted slightly, hand on her hip.

"I came for you." Charlotte blushed, making her freckles stick out even more. Adorable, Kyojuro thought. He rubbed the back of his neck and groaned. "I mean, I came to see you. I wanted to ask you out on a date." He felt awkward. Like a kid in primary school asking out his first crush. Charlotte's face lit up, melting away his feelings of inferiority.

"I'd love to. I'm actually off tomorrow, if that works for you?" Rengoku smiled with an easy nod. Charlotte grabbed her order pad and scribble her phone number and address on it.

"How about I pick you up at noon?" Kyojuro folded the paper and put it in his pocket.

"Works for me." Suddenly Kyojuro felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out and frowned. Charlotte tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear. "Security?" Rengoku pressed his lips in a thin line and nodded.

"I have to go. I'll text you later when I can." Rengoku gave her a small smile before walking out the door. The bell tinkled lightly as she watched him walk across the street to his black Jag. Security, huh? Dressed as sharp as he is. Driving a brand new Jaguar. Charlotte bit the inside of her cheek, wondering what she was about to get involved in. She had wanted excitement in her life, but she didn't want to get involved with anything illegal. I hope he's not security for the mob. Her thought was broken by the cook smacking his spatula on the counter bell, "Hey Charlotte, order up!"

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