Chapter 9

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"Hey Senjuro, do you wanna come by the diner with me? Gotta swing by and grab my check." Charlotte had decided to quit working at the diner. She hadn't wanted to quit originally, thinking that she needed to earn her keep. She realized how ridiculous that was. She could work at that diner every minute of the day and it wouldn't put a dent in what Kyojuro paid for the penthouse. Kyojuro had secretly been thrilled when she announced that she would be quitting. He wouldn't have to worry about her working the late shift. Now she could figure out her true passion. He knew she deserved so much more than greasy fryers and sticky countertops.

Senjuro looked up from the couch, closing his book. It was Saturday night and the two had spent the evening together watching movies and sharing popcorn. "Sounds good. Can we grab a slice of pie while we're there?"

Charlotte smiled at him. "You really are a copy 'n paste of your brother, ain't 'cha?"


Charlotte put her white Denali in park. A gift from Kyojuro. Charlotte had protested greatly when he brought it home. "Kyojuro! I don't need anything like this!" He kissed her forehead. "Please sunflower. Let me give you this." He had had the SUV modified with top of the line security features for her. That way, no matter where she was he'd be able to keep her safe, even if he wasn't there.

Charlotte and Senjuro walked around the corner to the diner. She stopped when she saw the lights off. The neon sign above flickered above. "That's strange" she murmurd, Senjuro looked at her with concern.

Charlotte stepped into the restaurant. The little bell jingling above. She tried to switch on the lights, but nothing happened. Maybe the circuit breaker is on the fritz. "Hey! Anybody back there?" Charlotte called out. No response. "Senjuro, stay here. I'm gonna head back to the kitchen." Charlotte went behind the counter. Her converse crunched down on broken glass. She frowned, an entire tray of food was on the ground. Something was wrong. Charlotte pushed ahead through the swinging door. She quietly grabbed a small cast iron skillet off the prep table. She walked another step and felt something under her crunch, not like the sound of glass breaking. She lifted her foot, eyes going wide. It was a finger. The hand of the cook severed in a jagged stump. Charlotte pulled out her phone to illuminate the room. Body parts were strewn around. The walls painted red with the gore. Charlotte turned on her heels and bolted out of the kitchen. She now saw that more bodies were ripped apart in the booths as the cellphone light flashed past them. "Senjuro! Get back to the car now! We need to call your bro--" Powerful arms yanked her back causing her to drop her phone and the pan.

"You're not going anywhere." A low voice growled in her ear. Charlotte looked back. Inward-tilting yellow eyes glared back at her. A demon. She took him in fully. He was muscular, with skin so fair it almost appeared bright green tinged white. Fluffy bright pink hair that stood in stark contrast against his skin. A thick pattern of thick blue lines covered him. He wore little. Sporting only a short, sleeveless dark purple-pink vest and baggy white pants.

Charlotte fished into her pocket, tossing the keys to Senjuro. "Go now!" she screamed.


Senjuro was not old enough to drive. The gas pedal pressed to the floor as he desperately tried to find help. He turned a corner too sharp, the Denali spun out of control. He slammed into a street light. Purple gas began to seep out from underneath the frame. Wisteria. One of the a safety features that Kyojuro had installed. Across the street Sanemi watched from his car. "What the fuck?" He jumped out and ran over, ripping the door open. Senjuro's face was bloody from the impact of the crash and the airbag deploying. Sanemi's eyes went wide. "Senjuro! What happened? Where's Charlotte?"

"Diner... Demon" Senjuro managed to mumble. Sanemi ran his fingers through his hair and sucked in a breath. He reached over Senjuro to the dash and pressed a code into the control panel. Code Red: Diner

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