Chapter 8

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A pink Corvette was very fitting of Mitsuri Kanroji. Charlotte took a sip of her boba as Mitsuri meandered through traffic. Her bright-eyed friend had begged to allow her to take her shopping. Please Charlotte! Shinobu hates shopping! Please! Pleaseee! Mitsuri squealed with delight when Charlotte finally yielded. Charlotte had been staying with Kyojuro and Senjuro for a few weeks now, the three of them falling into a comfortable routine. Kyojuro was often away for days as a time. The first morning Charlotte had awoken without him, she was greeted by the sight of hundreds of sunflowers surrounding their room. She was shocked, wondering how such a loud and boisterous man had managed to sneak this all in while she had been asleep. On the nightstand next to her was a note with a single yellow dandelion on top: Be home soon my sunflower.

It wasn't the grand gestures that Charlotte cared about, it was the care of the little ones. The beauty and simplicity of the note with the dandelion. He had made love to her for hours the night he returned. Peppering her in kisses as he held her close. Charlotte smiled at the memory, a gentle blush creeping into her cheeks. Mitsuri noticed her friend flushed and beamed. "Eh! Thinking about Kyojuro?" Charlotte nodded, a smile gracing her lips. He would be coming home this evening. Charlotte and Senjuro were going to cook a big meal for the three of them. She was quiet fond of Senjuro, and he of her. Senjuro was very helpful, and loved to cook. He had asked shyly if Charlotte would show him some of her American South dishes, and she thought her heart would nearly beat out of her chest at his request. They were going to make biscuits 'n gravy from scratch tonight. A simple dish that Charlotte had grown up on.

Mitsuri pulled into a parking garage near the shopping district and put the car in park. "Rengoku comes home tonight, doesn't he?" Charlotte nodded. Mitsuri had been at the most recent Hashira meeting. There had been concern of an Upper Moon on the outskirts of the city. Kyojuro and Tengen had volunteered to investigate the matter. Mitsuri clapped her hands together. She gave Charlotte a close eyed smile, "I know JUST the place to go!"


Charlotte ran her hands over the racks of clothing. She and Mitsuri had gone to a high-end boutique, a place that Charlotte would never have stepped into without Mitsuri's prompting. Mitsuri's arms were full of various garments, and while all the clothing was beautiful, nothing had stuck out to Charlotte in any particular way. Charlotte lazily ran her hands over the fabrics, stopping at one that caught her eye. She pulled the dress from the rack and gasped lightly. It was white linen, off the shoulder, and had delicate yellow flowers floating from the bottom of the skirt up to the bodice. She smiled holding the dress close to her. Mitsuri had walked up behind her friend, a smile plastered to her face. "Rengoku will love that!"


Kyojuro leaned against the kitchen doorway watching Charlotte and Senjuro work. He had come in quietly, hoping to surprise them. The two of them stood at the stovetop working. Whatever they were cooking smelling delicious, he could feel his mouth water. "Now the secret to a good roux is to continuously stir the flour and drippings. You want the color to look like caramel, but you don't want to burn the flour neither." Senjuro nodded his head at Charlotte's instructions. Kyojuro smiled. The two had fast taken to one another, and he was glad they could keep each other company in his absence. He watched the gentle way Charlotte moved about the kitchen. The way her dress swirled about her. In that moment he knew for certainty. That he had hopelessly fallen in love with her. Charlotte stopped working and looked up. She gave him a beaming smile when she saw him. "Kyojuro!" He smiled back and closed the gap. Kyojuro picked her up, spinning her, as he kissed her. "You look absolutely radiant my sunflower" he murmurd softly at her.

"I'm glad you like the dress."

"It's beautiful, but only because you're wearing it." Charlotte blushed, her freckles standing out. Kyojuro could melt. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear in her customary way.

"Um." Senjuro started, embarrassed to be interrupting their private moment. "Excuse me, but I think dinner is ready."


"Umai!" Kyojuro exclaimed after taking another bite. "This is delicious. What do you call this dish again?"

"Biscuits 'n gravy" Senjuro replied, taking another bite from his bowl. He smiled, savoring the bite.

Charlotte rested her face in her hand watching them eat with gusto. "We typically eat this for breakfast, but I didn't figure y'all would mind much." The two nodded happily at her. Charlotte stood, grabbing their empty bowls. She placed them in the sink and opened the fridge, rummaging around. A moment later she turned to them, a pie in her hand. "I whipped us up a pecan pie for dessert." Yes, Kyojuro Rengoku was most certainly in love with her.


Charlotte wiped the soapy water from her hands, placing the final dish in the drying rack. It was getting late and she was finishing up the dishes. Senjuro and Kyojuro had tried to help her, but she muttered something about too many cooks in the kitchen and sent them on their way. Senjuro had retired to his room for the evening to finish up some homework. Kyojuro walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed her bare shoulder, burying his face in her neck. "Kyojuro," she breathed. He continued to kiss his way up her neck, "I'm glad to be come" he whispered in her ear, sucking her lobe gently. Charlotte let out a small moan. She could feel his erection pressing against her. His hand slipped under her dress to kneed her supple flesh. Her hands gripped the sink counter. "We should go to the bedroom," she lightly protested. Kyojuro hummed, kissing and sucking down her neck, leaving little love bites here and there. She inhaled sharply as his fingers slipped into her, working painfully slow. Teasing her. Charlotte grinded against him. "But you're already so wet, and I can't wait a moment later."

Kyojuro unbuckled his pants and slipped himself free from his boxer briefs. He lined himself against Charlotte and pushed himself in with a grunt. She moaned as he filled her. He thrust into her with a powerful need. A desire that only she could fill. Charlotte stifled a scream, not wanting to alert Senjuro down the hall to what they were doing in the kitchen. Kyojuro removed his tie, stuffing it in her mouth. He thrust harder now, animalistic as he rutted against her. His hands gripped her hips tightly. Charlotte moaned against the fabric in her mouth, her stomach tightening in that familiar knot. "That's it baby. Just let go." He grunted. Kyojuro felt her tighten around his cock as she hit her climax. His own thrusts grew sloppy and a moment later he pulled out of her, grabbing the dishrag off the faucet sink and finished on the fabric. Charlotte adjusted the skirt of her dress, a sleepy smile on her face. Kyojuro cupped her cheek and kissed her. He grabbed her hand, entwining his fingers with hers, and led her back to their room. Down the hall, Senjuro lay in bed beet red. His headset on at max volume trying to drown them out. Despite their best attempts, they had not been quiet at all.

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