Chapter 7

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Charlotte sat crosslegged on the floor, skimming the pages of one of Kyojuro's many history books. Unpacking hadn't taken her long, she didn't have much in her apartment that she was intent on keeping. Kyojuro had taken care of breaking her lease. He assured her that he would do nothing illegal, and aside from some light intimidation and hauling the slumlord off the ground by a few inches, he had kept his word.

Kyojuro walked into the room with the last of the boxes. He put it down, smiling as he watched Charlotte hunched over the book on the floor. She looked up at him and smiled back. "Kyojuro?" He hummed in acknowledgement. "Why do you have so many history books?"

He walked over and knelt down next to her. "In another life, I would've loved to be a history teacher." Charlotte thought that was somehow very fitting for him. He sighed, grabbing the book from her. His fingers skimmed the cover. Kyojuro frowned, brow knit together. He stood and placed it back on its spot on the shelf. It wasn't meant to be. Demons occupied almost every facet of his life. He had a duty that he would see fulfilled. Charlotte came up behind him, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his back. He closed his eyes and smiled. Had he not been in his current position, he likely never would have met Charlotte. After last night, he couldn't imagine life without her. She had come into his life by complete chance, under the glow of a neon diner sign. He would have to thank Tengen next time he saw him. He turned around and pulled her close to him, bending down to kiss her softly.

The front door unlocked and a high pitched voice rang out. "Rengoku! We're back!" Kyojuro smiled. Kanroji. Charlotte looked apprehensive. Nervous. Kyojuro tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. He gave her one of his signature smiles, "They're going to love you."


"Wahhh! Rengoku she's beautiful!" Mitsuri gushed, her hands holding Charlotte's. Mitsuri had practically shoved Kyojuro out of the way to get to her. Charlotte couldn't believe someone like this was not only a Demon Slayer, but one of their most formidable defenders. She looked over the bubbly woman. Mitsuri Kanroji was beautiful. Large, pale green eyes, with a small beauty mark beneath each one. Long pink hair that faded into lime green, worn in three thick braids. Curves that would make the devil himself seek salvation. She wore a tight pink dress with a split up to her hip.

Charlotte smiled, a dusting of blush across her cheeks. "Well if you think I'm beautiful, I must be looking back at Aphrodite herself." Mitsuri's eyes widened.

"Kyojuro you better marry her!" Mitsuri squealed. Kyojuro's face flushed red at her declaration. Charlotte's cheeks were tinted red as well, but she smiled as she gently pulled away from Mitsuri's grasp. Senjuro stood next to his brother looking down at the floor, a slight smile had graced his lips. Charlotte turned her attention to the younger Rengoku. He was the spitting image of his older brother.

"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Senjuro." Senjuro looked up at her, and quickly bowed.

"No, no. I'm pleased to make yours. Brother has told me all about you!"

"Has he now?" Charlotte smiled, eyebrow cocked. Mitsuri giggled, and Kyojuro could feel the heat creeping back into his face.

Senjuro looked down quickly, embarrassed. Charlotte realized that while he looked like his brother, they were clearly polar opposites in terms of personality. Kyojuro was a man of action, direct. Senjuro was the quiet type, passive in his approach. Senjuro looked sheepishly up at his brother.

"Aniki, you were right. Her accent is very pretty." Charlotte smiled, perhaps the Rengoku boys were more alike than she thought.

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