Chapter XXIII. Willpower

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Abruptly back to her proper seventy-seven-foot size, Rey nevertheless needed a hand. Funny, so soon after considering tanning Alma a mink sleeping bag, here Rey was with a grotesque tattered egret suit. During her internal expansion, Reagan of course tore her little human clothes to shreds. With her being stark naked, I took the responsibility of hosing the restored giantess down in Harley's side yard, while Harley politely kept his back turned, with Alma and Crystal. It took a solid five minutes to rinse every inch of her, and I had to peel a tadpole off her thigh by hand. That tadpole may or may not have been with her in the heron's stomach. Draping a beach towel over her bare shoulders, I embraced her from behind, able to hold her in my arms again instead of my palm. It only cost a heron's life.

         "Sure, gave that bird a nasty burp, huh babe?" I said, with an awkward chuckle. Until then, I'd been stunned silent and of course my first vocal response was a diffusing joke.

         Patting her hair dry with the towel, Reagan glared at me and shook her head. "Too soon for wisecracks Vic, please," she shuddered. "Can still feel that thing's slimy, fishy throat squeezing me."

         "Sorry babe," I muttered and beckoned for Harley to come forward with the tinies, since Rey was covered up. "Talk about impeccable timing though." Mostly, I was just appreciative I no longer had to give myself a backache to talk to my girlfriend.

         Harley and I walked back into the house, flanking Rey, wrapped in her striped towel. All the while, Crystal and Alma gazed in bemusement at their female caregiver's regrowth. It was as if they had forgotten she was a natural giantess. Perhaps a combination of their stares and the exposure of her nakedness in afternoon daylight, Reagan blushed as we went upstairs. Harley remained in the kitchen to make some quesadillas for lunch. Alma and Crystal opted to ride upstairs on Reagan's shoulders to our bedroom, likely having missed her delicate touch in handling them.

         "Sucks being swallowed alive, doesn't it Rey?" said Crystal sardonically, holding onto one of Rey's wet blonde locks for support as we entered our guestroom. Crystal's dig at me didn't go unnoticed, but I ignored it.

         Silently, I washed my hands, then allowed Rey to have the bathroom. She expressed a desire to take a real shower with soap and suchlike. Understandably, the hose hadn't felt very cleansing. With her talking in a hushed tone to Alma and Crystal behind the closed doors, it sounded like a middle school girl's locker room. I passed the time finding some of Rey's regular clothes from her giant suitcase. "Hadn't realized how much I missed her at normal size," I mumbled to myself, stimulated. I thought of the condoms in my own duffle.

         Twenty minutes later, I heard the shower drizzle off. By then, I was eating a toasted tortilla with cheese and salsa, from a plate Harley dropped off. I stood up, prepared to hand Rey the plate when the door opened. It took oddly long though, as the door creaked open little by little. My jaw dropped in bafflement, when three tinies came out of the bathroom door. No giantess among them. Again, the size of a finger, Rey stepped out between Crystal and Alma. Almost collapsing my rear to the mattress, taken aback, Rey chirped something from the bathroom threshold that I couldn't quite make out.

         I stood up and approached them, the plate of quesadillas still in my hand. I couldn't hand the entire plate to anyone now. "Is that chip defective or something?" I questioned, after inaudibly stammering. Too soon, I curved my back to the floor to look at Rey again. "How'd you shrink again?"

         Rey, who was wearing another store-bought human wardrobe, looked up at me with an apologetic sigh. "Okay Vic. Something I didn't tell you earlier. This shrinking chip technology really works at my willpower." She patted her back. "It's manual, activates and deactivates if I apply the correct pressure and arch my vertebrae a certain way."

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