XLIV. Dr. Pelletier

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As soon as Troy, Evan and the other members of the subversive giant society were being cuffed, Ranger Fields hid behind his badge. "Look officer," he said to the burly cop behind him, with a nervous squeak in his voice. "I'm a park ranger, public servant like you. Can't we..."

         "Repeat, you have the right to remain silent!" barked his arresting officer, paying no mind to his weaseling efforts. He shoved Fields back in formation with the other booked GRUDATs.

         "Who the fuck is that human?" demanded Troy, choosing to waive that right. As the police scoured all the GRUDAT vehicles for further evidence, Troy glared at the miniscule woman in the hair-bun perched on Bernie's shoulder.

         Tall, light-haired Bernie offered his palm to the human lady and balanced her against his chest. "Not that it's any concern of yours," he said, narrowing his eyes, protectively. "But this is Dr. Heather Pelletier, the new Parliament Secretary of Social Development."

         "What?!" Troy snapped, his irate eyes widened, pupils dilating with blind rage. "Mean to tell me the new SSD is a human-rat? Flush the motherfucking toilet, giant kind is-screwed!" In a salvo of adrenaline, he kicked the officer escorting him in the knee, and wriggled out of the cop's slackened grip. Red with manic hatred, Troy charged a few strides, in Bernie's direction.

         I was about to jump in the path of the oncoming giant, when another cop stepped in and struck Troy across the jaw with his nightstick, knocking him down. "Back with the others, dipshit," grunted the policeman as Troy spit blood.

         When two officers thrust Troy back against the van, Morton approached his army comrade. "Keep digging yourself into a deeper hole, Troy," said Morton, fearlessly as Troy was shackled. "Just assaulted an officer." Morton reached over and snapped Troy's dog-tags off his neck. "You should know, a dishonorable discharge from the Colossus Army follows charges like these." Watching Troy berated like that and shoved headfirst into a Continental Police cruiser was the most complacent I felt in days.

         Rey, in her giantess form walked back over to me, clothed and content. While being assessed by EMT, she was lent a baggy shirt, gym shorts and sandals. "Hey babe, doing better?" I asked, pulling her tight in my arms, rubbing her back. Recalling that lustful look Evan gave her in his palm made me never want to let go.

         "Vic, I'm fine," she assured me, pulling away gently. "I work at a hospital, this isn't even the most stressful night I've had." Rey squinted around my shoulder. Following her gaze, I saw she was looking at the tiny woman's silhouette against Bernie's white shirt. "Wait, Dr. Pelletier?" she said, in disbelief.

         "Yeah, you know her?" I asked, puzzled.

         "Yes," Reagan nodded. "Unbelievable, she's the human astrophysicist who invented the shrinking chip! I met her when I went to the lab." Now warm and excited, Rey ran over to the doctor, with me in tow.

         With the minimart parking lot flooded with headlights now, the human scientist instantly recognized my girlfriend as she ran over. "Reagan, wonderful to see you!" she said, her voice sounding much more soothing without the megaphone. "It's okay Bernard, I know her."

         "Hello Doc," said Reagan, beaming. She held out her palm, and the giant undercover cop reluctantly passed the little woman into Rey's palm, with Dr. Pelletier's blessing. "What brings you here?" Reagan seemed starstruck at the appearance of the genius who invented the chip implanted in her spine.

         "Operation Timber was brainchild," said the human woman, proudly gesturing around at the police cars, proudly. "That's the codename of this takedown. I didn't mention at the lab briefing that I was recently appointed Secretary of Social Development."

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