Just because the seven of them haven't spend too much time together outside of work, that didn't mean that they all forgot eachothers little habbits and quirks.
When yoongi felt embarrassed or shy he tended to avoid eye contact and cover his face with something however if there was nothing around to cover himself with he would just look down and pretend like he didn't know what was happening. Right now that was exactly what he was doing and Namjoon knew that. Watching how his hyung hid behind the bed covers with only his eyes poking out, Namjoon couldn't help but smile like an idiot. Just because he was dating Jin that didn't mean he never noticed how cute his second hyung was. Sure he was too preoccupied with the world wide handsome jin, but that didn't mean that when yoongi wasn't looking he didn't check the boy out. I mean who would blame him? Yoongis slim body, thin waist and round butt was sometimes hard to resist and even though Namjoon knew that it was wrong to look at yoongi like that when he had a boyfriend, he was pretty sure that Jin was doing the exact same thing, after all he caught the male glancing at yoongi few times already.
"What are you grinning about?" Yoongi asked with suspicion when he saw how namjoons eyes were nearly piercing through him while his lips were decorated with a pretty grin which yoongi didn't see that often.
"Am I not allowed? I just can't help but think how cute you are hyung. Not only are you strong with everything that had happened in the car crash but you also still manage to look adorable with the red cheeks when you get embarrassed , you might not notice it yourself but you are definitely cute when you are shy. Don't even try to deny that you aren't currently embarrassed because we....I for sure know what you are like " Namjoon explained with the same grin. Looking at Namjoon, all yoongi could do was stare at the boy in surprise as he honestly never really thought that anyone noticed anything about him, in his head the boys were too preoccupied with themselves to even notice any of yoongis habbits.
"Oh shut up, that's not the way you should talk to your hyung " at that point yoongi was just chatting shit just to avoid hearing more of namjoons words. He already wanted to dissapear below the ground so hearing namjoons sweet talk definitely didn't help.
"Alright hyung, I will make sure to talk to you with even more respect from now on" of course Namjoon was just joking but it was good enough answer for yoongi. "On a serious note hyung. I do want to apologise for our behaviour......maybe not others but mine for sure. I know we hurt you by neglecting you and I know that our actions just led you to shut down yet again, I hate myself for making you feel that way I really do. I just hope you know that we love you and wouldn't ever want to hurt you" Namjoon felt like it was important to let the elder know that they indeed loved him and wouldn't want to wish anything bad upon the boy. The car crash was like a wake up call for all of them and right now Namjoon just wanted to do whatever it took to make yoongi happy. He wanted to see his hyungs famous gummy smile rather than the fake one that yoongi wore for a while now. How come he didn't even notice it until now?
Hearing the word love yoongi wasn't sure how to feel. Of course he knew that namjoons love towards him was different to what he felt towards the members but it's not like he could change that. No matter how much yoongi wanted others to love him the same way he loved them, he wasn't selfish enough to ask for it. Right now he was thankful that Namjoon was there with him because in all honesty he didn't want to be alone. Sure he had asked the guys to leave but that didn't mean that deep down inside he didn't hope that they would stay.
At that point yoongis face was completely red, no matter how much he wanted to hide it it was pointless. Moving up from the chair that he sat on, Namjoon went to sit down on the edge of the bed so that he could be closer to yoongi, and just as expected the older didn't try to push him away. After all he was a sucker for any physical contact even if it was just light body touch or even just sitting close to one another.
Yoongi didn't reply to namjoons speech. He didn't have anything to say because he knew others fucked up, yet at the same time he knew that he could have tried harder himself. After all it was easier to shut down then go out of his comfort zone. "It's okay" was all that yoongi said as he finally looked into Namjoon eyes.
"Hyung" Namjoon began talking as he looked at the yoongi who was slowly sitting back up on the bed to get more comfortable rather than laying still, looking up at Namjoon when other had called out for him, yoongi just tilted his head a little in confusion waiting for the other to start talking again however all Namjoon could focus on was others pink cheeks from blushing not that long ago and the slight fever that yoongi had. Namjoon looked into yoongis eyes, noticing just how cute and doe they were, he also noticed just how much they sparkled because of the reflection of the lights. Looking at yoongis face, namjoons eyes slowly travelled down to yoongis slightly parted lips that tried to gasp for air every time yoongi moved a little with the pain still being present. Sitting up helped yoongis shoulder to be in less pain so laying wasn't that comfortable for him. "Can I kiss you?" It was clear that yoongi didn't expect the question judging by how wide his eyes had gotten, yoongi thought that he was dreaming. Did he hear that correctly? Was Namjoon really asking him that? Feeling the bed move and Namjoon getting closer, yoongi didn't even have time to react when the younger male took his hands into his.
At that point yoongi felt like he was dreaming. Kissing ,hugging and even just holding hands was just a distant dream for yoongi. He never really expected for any of that to happen so now that Namjoon straight up asked him, all yoongi could do was stare in disbelief and slight panic "You......you have jin hyung, I don't want to ruin what you guys have" yoongi mumbled as he was slightly stuttering.
"I think Jin hyung wouldn't mind, after all he mentioned how pretty you are few times, if anything he will be jealous that I got to kiss you first" namjoon explained as yoongi felt his face flush yet again.
This time he had nothing to say to protest. He still couldn't really believe that not only did Namjoon want to kiss him but also the fact that Jin hyung was checking him out.
When yoongi didn't say anything nor moved his hands away, Namjoon took it as a yes and without any more hesitation he leaned forward finally connecting their lips. At that point yoongi felt his heart beat go so hard against his rib cage that it was becoming painful. Was this really happening? Were they really kissing? Was he really allowing it?.
No matter how many thoughts yoongi had though, he didn't do anything. If such opportunity came by then he would take it even if it only lasted for few minutes. At first he thought that Namjoon would just give him a small peck but soon he was proven wrong when the kiss became more passionate rather than gentle and short.
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"Oh shit" hearing familiar voice, both yoongi and Namjoon pulled away only to see jungkook standing in the doorway with his mouth wide open.