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Plot: Step brothers

Third person narrative.

Today was the day when seventeen year old jungkook would meet his new brother or should I say step brother.
Jungkook was currently sitting on his king sized bed in his room with phone in his hands as he was chatting with his best friend jimin online.Jimin was trying his best at cheering the younger boy up and telling him that it's a good thing that the boy will be getting a stepbrother as that would mean that junkook would no longer be alone all the time. Jungkook however disagreed with his friend as he didn't like the idea of some stranger living in his house, more so after many years jungkook got used to the loneliness so he didn't really mind it as much.
After chatting with Jim for few more hours about nothing specific the clock rang 2 o'clock which meant that junkooks new addition to the family will arrive soon. Just as the boy though about the changes that will happen in his life he heard his mother calling our for him.
"Jungkook come here and help me with dinner" his mother shouted to which jungkook groaned not wanting to do anything but still walked downstairs and then into the kitchen. He didn't like to argue with his mother and he knew that she was already stressed enough and another argument won't help her to ease down. Jungkooks mother on the other hand was thinking about her son and what his reaction might be once he will meet his new brother. Due to Jungkooks slight anger issues the mother was worried that the two boys won't get along and that was big enough reason for her to be stressing over.
Jungkook came into the kitchen as his mother passed him the plates to put on the table, soon after  both of them  heard a doorbell ring. Jungkook sighed walking towards the door to open it as his mother went into her bedroom to get changed into something more "nice looking" as she called it.
Jungkook opened the front door to see an middle aged man standing near their door with a suit case next to him. Jungkook knew that it meant  that the older man was ready to move in which annoyed jungkook even more but he tried not to show it. "Good evening jungkook" the man spoke up as jungkook bowed to him. "Good evening Mr Kim" jungkook said as he opened the door wider for the man to come in. "My son will come in a minute he is just in school finishing up his after school activities " the male said as he chuckled walking inside. Jungkooks mother soon appeared in a dark blue dress with her hair tied up. "Oh dear you look wonderful this evening" the man said as he came up to her and missed her hand gently, jungkook on the other hand rolled his eyes and walked past them into the kitchen. 
"Where is taehyung?' Jungkooks mother asked which made the older man smiled. "He will come in a bit darling, he just finishing up at school" the man answered as he held the woman's hands in his. 'So his name is taehyung. Probably a nerd, don't see another reason why someone will stay in school after the lessons are over', Jungkook though to himself before quickly shrugging it off.
"Jungkook I hope you cleaned your room so your brother will have somewhere to sleep whiles we still decorating his room" jungkooks mother said as she and the older male came into the kitchen. Jungkook looked at his mother for a split second, he mentally cursed himself before standing up from the chair mumbling a quick "Be right back" as he quickly ran up the stairs into his room. He quickly started to clean the room in order for it to be at least tidy before his new brother will arrive.

"Why does he have to live with me? Why can't he just stay in the living room" Jungkook mumbled to himself whiles picking up the dirty cloths from the floor.

After ten minutes jungkook was finally done which made him smile in satisfaction. "Finally" he said whiles stretching his hands.
"Jungkook come downstairs, taehyung is here" his mother shouted. Jungkook quickly opened the window to let the fresh air in before walking downstairs to meet his new brother, the only thing  that he knew about taehyung was his name and the fact that the male is one year younger than he was . As he was walking down the stairs he saw a male with blond hair standing in the hall with their parents next to him as they were just casually talking.

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