I woke up at around ten in the morning with the sun shinning through my open window. It was a really beautiful weather outside and I couldn't help but smile seeing it. As it was Saturday it meant I had a day off from college which is boring and too long to handle even for someone who is as positive as me. I loved learning and seeing my friends so when I had days off I didn't really know what I could do with myself.
Slowly getting out of my bed I walked towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face as I wasn't even bothered to take a shower as I took one last night anyways after coming back from classes.
When I was done with my usual morning routine I walked down the stairs to make myself some coffee with sugar and milk. Even though I tried to not drink it as much I still couldn't help myself but want to taste the amazing flavour of the coffee beans. I only recently became interested in coffee after my best friend yoongi nearly forced me to try it.
Talking about him, I saw a message on my phone whiles walking downstairs with my mobile in my hand whiles reading the message.
I smiled to myself as I wasn't even offended anymore getting used to the fact that yoongi hyung always called me that when I was teasing him about his relationship with jimin.
When I finally came into the kitchen I pouted seeing that I didnt have any coffee left but smiled soon after realising that i was going into coffee shop anyways so I will just get some there and not just order a random muffin like I usually did.
After eating one apple that was laying in the basket full of fruits I quickly walked upstairs changing into some comfy but still stylish in my opinion clothes before walking out of the house closing the door behind with a key.
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(That's how hoseok looks)
Whiles walking to the coffee shop that yoongi hyung sent me address to I was listening to music as I only had to walk for five minutes before arriving in front of the cafe that says 'houseofcards'
'Weird name" I thought to myself before shrugging a little and making my way towards the door.As I walked inside I could see a couple of people sitting and talking with one another and some others who were either sitting on their own, enjoyed the leave and quite. After looking around a little, I finally made my way towards the counter to order a coffee with chocolate cookie. When I was about to order the male at the counter finally turned around to take my order which made my jaw drop. Watching him carefully clean the glasses with a small white towel I was definitely fascinated, how can someone be as handsome as he was?.
I haven't really noticed that I was starring at him until he coughed a bit getting my attention. "Are you ready to order?" He asked with a polite tone placing the glass down on the counter as his attention was fully on me. Smiling over at the male I just nodded my head quickly trying to remember what I wanted.
"Yeah can I have a caramel latte with two sugars and a chocolate cookie" I asked giving him my usual smile but when I noticed how the other nodded with a small blush on his face before turning away I couldn't help but grin even more, it was definitely cute.
"Cute" I said quietly but I was pretty sure that he heard me. I didnt care though because it was true and maybe it was good for him to know that he indeed was cute. Even though he looked older than me I couldn't help but still find him adorable, he was definitely shy kind and in all honesty that was exactly my type.
I watched him do my coffee with such elegance and grace which made me stare in awe as if was definitely satisfying to look at. Looking at the other up and down while he was facing the other way, I could see just how wide his shoulders were which was slightly surpringconsidering how feminine he looked.
"Here you go. Anything else?" The male asked passing me the tray with my coffee and the cookie on it with a soft smile on his lips.
"Yeah can I have a napkin and your name on it?" I asked with a smile, surprising even myself with how bold I was. Usually I wouldn't approach or flirt with anyone finding it too awkward but the guy in front of me was definitely too good of an opportunity to miss out on.
"My name is seokjin or just jin" the male spoke with a smile on his lips as he grabbed a napkin before writing down something on it "There you go" he added passing me the napkin with his number on it.
"Thank you jin hyung" I said with a smile as I passed passed him the money but before the other could give me the change I just shook my head telling the other to keep it as a small tip.
About 30 minuteslater
"Sorry I am late " yoongi said coming up to me as I only smiled at my hyung. "Its okay yoongi hyung you warned me that you would be late, plus I was still managed to have some fun by talking with jin hyung" I said pointing at the male in front of me. The both elder boys greeted each other with a smile. "Hey jin hyung how is sana doing?" Yoongi asked taking seat next to me.
"Wait you both know each other?" I asked surprised looking at both of them.
"How do you think I know this place. Jesus hoseok don't be funny. Me and hyung been good friends for over two years now" yoongi said with the male nodding.
"Aish why I am not surprised anymore, you always manage to make friends with most unexpected people. At first I thought you were only friends with players like you but turns out I was wrong" I said crossing my hands.
"So you think I am a player?" Jin asked looking at me as it was now was my turn to blush. "No hyung..I don't think you are" I mumbled with jin and yoongi starting to laugh soon after. "Well I won't be playing with you anyways because you are just too cute for that" jin added after he stopped laughing with yoongi smirking at both of us whiles I hid my face in my hands trying to cover my embarrassment from both of them. Since when did the tables turned and now the other was calling me cute?
5 monthlater
"Okay I am done hobi let's go" jin said as he walked up to me and before he could say anything else I came up to him hugging him by the waist, without wasting time I pulled hyung closer to myself to connect our lips together for a soft kiss.
"Missed me that much?" Jin asked after we pulled apart with smile on his face. I only nodded kissing him once again before intertwining our fingers together. "Let's go now it's our movie night and I don't want to spend my time here when I can cuddle you" I said as we both laughed before walking out of the coffee shop. That's right, after our first day of knowing one another I called Jin hyung soon after asking him for a date and to my satisfaction he agreed which soon led us to be in a relationship as clearly we were both attracted to one another quite badly so there was no point in playing around.