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Plot: mental hospital

Warning: contains angst and other depressed things. Don't read if you are not comfortable with such plot and get triggered easily.

Yoongis POV

It was about three in the morning and here I was sitting on the white bed in the empty room whiles watching the fly crawling around on the wall in front of me. I can't exactly see it clearly enough and mostly could only hear it at the moment because of how dark it was in the room but I dont really care either way, it's at least some sort of entertainment.

I have insomnia which keeps me awake nearly every single night and the only thing that helps me to cope with it are the tablets that I keep on taking every single day in order to not get back into my old state in which I was last time few months ago. I won't say I am feeling better and lie saying that I am less depressed because rather than healing I am pretty sure I am just getting more and more empty  on the inside. This isn't too bad though, I guess it helps me in some way as I no longer struggle with supressing my emotions such as guilt and loneliness.

Time skip. Third persons pov.

As the sun slowly started to rise up in the sky you could see the sun light go into the white room slowly through the crack in the door. There were no windows in most of the rooms, and those that did have them, they were closed with barriers to prevent people from running away.

Yoongi was sitting on the bed with legs crossed as he was in that  same exact position since the night time and didnt plan to move either as there was just no point, plus the bed was now warm because of his own body hwar so you could say he was comfortable.

Slowly as yoongis eyes started to fall heavy and finally he felt like sleeping a door to his room started to open revealing a young man in a white coat with the hospital's name ingraved onto it which indicated that he was one of the doctors. The unknown man walked in with a small smile on his face looking directly at yoongi.

'Beautiful' was the first thing that came to yoongis mind when he scanned the male in front of him taking in every little detail of the other.

"Hello Mr Min my name is Kim Taehyung and I will be your new doctor starting from today" the male said with a cheerful voice as yoongi just started blankly at him with no visible emotions on his face

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"Hello Mr Min my name is Kim Taehyung and I will be your new doctor starting from today" the male said with a cheerful voice as yoongi just started blankly at him with no visible emotions on his face. Sure he wanted to say hi and even give other a smile back but after spending so much time in this hospital under countless medications, he started to forget what it was like to even smile at that point.

Taehyung looked at yoongi seeing how pale and tired the other was making him feel quite bad for the other male. Black bags under his eyes and even his posture alone were enough to show that the other wasn't feeling his best. He was skinny and pale but even so taehuyng couldn't help but find him really attractive. Yoongi had a doll face and him sitting still only made it look even more believable. Taehyung knew that he shouldn't be thinking like that considering that he was a doctor and yoongi was a patient but he just couldn't help himself.

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