06 | Careless

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"You what?" Finnick yelled as Celeste tried to hush him, trying her best to not alert Katrine or Darian

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"You what?" Finnick yelled as Celeste tried to hush him, trying her best to not alert Katrine or Darian.

"Shh. Don't wake up the others," Celeste reprimanded, causing Finnick to scoff.

"You just said yesterday you aren't sure if you like him and now all of a sudden you think it may be love?" Finnick whisper-yelled, huffing in disbelief.

"You're the one that asked me if I had feelings for him!" Celeste argued back.

"And so what? Are you two like together now?" Finnick asked in disbelief. Celeste went silent for a moment.

"No. I-" She started but stopped when she couldn't think of anything to say, causing Finnick to run a hand through his hair.

"You didn't tell him?"

"Well, no. Not really," Celeste answered as Finnick scoffed.

"But, to be fair. I didn't even realize until he was leaving," she defended.

"Celeste, what the hell am I going to do with you?" Finnick taunted before Celeste tossed her piece of toast at him.

"Ow! Really?"

"You deserved it."


After her chat with Finnick, Celeste headed to the training center with Katrine and Darian, making sure the two of them got to training on time, before making her way up to the viewing deck to meet with the sponsors again. As she observed the crowd, she noticed Cato surrounded by Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Lockwood. Unfortunately, the two older women seemed to notice the way Cato's attention shifted and called the younger girl over.

"Ms. Visser, you look gorgeous today," Mrs. Brooks confessed, giving the young girl a side hug.

"Thank you, Mrs. Brooks. You two look lovely as well," Celeste politely greeted.

"Sit. Sit," Mrs. Brooks insisted, strategically offering Celeste the seat next to Cato. With a smile, Celeste took her seat.

"We were just chatting Mr. Hadley's ear off about all the women gushing over him in the Capital," Mrs. Lockwood announced, causing Celeste to raise her eyebrow.

"You're flattering me, Mrs. Lockwood. I'm sure it's not that many," Cato insisted.

"Nonsense, you're a handsome young man. Right, Ms. Visser?" Mrs. Lockwood argued. Celeste smiled and turned her head toward Cato.

"Cato is very charming. I'd believe it. Not to mention, my own tribute thinks you're really handsome," Celeste politely complimented, directing the last part to Cato. Cato let a small smile as he quietly thanked Celeste for her words, causing the older women to coo.

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