15 | History Repeats Itself

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The days went by terribly now that Celeste had no way of knowing if Cato was safe

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The days went by terribly now that Celeste had no way of knowing if Cato was safe. She assumed he was seeing as he was from a more loyal district, but the Capital was unpredictable and the last time she saw Cato, he was being dragged away by Peacekeepers after getting into an altercation. So, her worries never really went away.

Cato's letters also didn't reveal much. Not that she got many anyways, seeing as their communication was so limited. Celeste knew he was just keeping things vague in case Peacekeepers intercepted them. And of course, Celeste did the same. But, knowing that didn't take away any of her sadness.

Her days were very bland, with most of her time being occupied in the garden as she tirelessly tended to her flowers to keep herself distracted. She still got to see the others that lived in Victor's Village, but her contact with anyone outside of there was also very limited. 

Snow made sure to have Peacekeepers watching over the victors at all times, not allowing them to leave without permission. Celeste just assumed this was punishment for her 'defiance' at the train station, but she'll probably never know the real truth.

But nothing compared to the horror that was the Quarter Quell announcement.


"I can't imagine what horrible things the Capital has up their sleeves," Cecilia commented, flopping on the couch as they wait for the announcement to start.

"Seeing how strict and violent the Captial has been, I'm sure it's something extra special," Celine pointed out with a shiver. Celeste, however, refused to talk, too worried about what the twist could be this year.

No age restrictions? Only relatives? Capital voting?

My god, Celeste thought. Celine is still eligible and if Snow really is as evil as he acted, it wouldn't be a surprise if Celine's name just so happened to get chosen this year. What a great show that would make.

"You okay, Celeste?"  Celine asked, interrupting her thoughts. Celeste only nodded and sent her sister a small smile.

"I'm just a bit tired, that's all," Celeste replied with a small nod. Neither of her sisters seemed to believe her, but they didn't push any further.

Just then, the TV flashed on, revealing a cheering crowd as Snow walked up to the podium. Celeste felt nothing but disgust as she watched, wanting nothing more but to reach through that screen and kill Snow herself.

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