17 | Tension

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"Are you ready for training today?" Finnick whispered as the two made their way down to the training room

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"Are you ready for training today?" Finnick whispered as the two made their way down to the training room.

"As ready as I can be," Celeste replied, still not over her fight with Cato last night.

"Hey, stop thinking about Cato. You need to focus on staying alive so that you could fix whatever happened between you," Finnick reassured her, grabbing her shoulders so that they were face to face. Celeste just nodded, a small smile appearing on her face.

He's right. She thought. I need to find a way to save Cato and sulking isn't going to help that.

"Okay. Now, go make some allies. I'm gonna handle trying to get Katniss," Finnick added, causing Celeste to chuckle.

"What's your obsession with her? Is she really that fun to bother?" Celeste asked, causing Finnick to smirk.

"Something like that. Plus, she wouldn't be a bad ally," Finnick responded with a wink before saying goodbye and walking over to Katniss. Celeste chuckled to herself before observing the crowd.

The careers -- Enobaria, Cato, Gloss, and Cashmere -- were all working on hand-to-hand combat together. Enobaria turned towards her with a hiss, causing her eyes to widen in shock.

Not going over there. Celeste thought, continuing her search around the room where she noticed Peeta at the painting station, focusing on the canvas in front of him.

"That's gorgeous," she interrupted, now standing next to him. Peeta just smiled warmly at her.

"Thank you. I used to decorate the cakes back home," he responded, causing Celeste to smile as well.

"Well, you're really talented," she pointed out.

"How come you're not training with Cato?" Peeta asked her, glancing over to where the boy now stood as he watched Gloss fighting. Celeste looked down for a moment, before chuckling.

"Didn't want to get my hands dirty just yet. Besides, I'm not really into all of that stuff," she replied with a teasing grin, causing Peeta to chuckle.

"I'm not much of a fighter either," Peeta admitted, looking at his hand in sadness. And of course, Celeste knew what he was thinking. That he only made it out of the games because of someone else, the same thing Celeste felt for years.

"But you're smart. And strong. You shouldn't underestimate yourself so much," Celeste countered, this time with a genuine smile.

"Why are you being so nice? We're going to have to kill each other in a few days," Peeta questioned, causing Celeste to chuckle.

"I don't want to spend my last few days being someone I'm not. If I'm going to die, I want to be myself," Celeste confessed. Peeta's eyes widen in shock as he remembered his conversation with Katniss last year, saying almost exactly what Celeste just said.

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