32 | District 8

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A few days later, Cato found himself alone in Beetee's training lab taking his frustration out on one of the dummies when he heard a slam coming from the entrance, revealing an aggravated Katniss

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A few days later, Cato found himself alone in Beetee's training lab taking his frustration out on one of the dummies when he heard a slam coming from the entrance, revealing an aggravated Katniss.

"We're going to District 8," Katniss announced as she approached Cato. The older boy quickly paused his one-sided fight, turning toward Katniss with a confused look. 

"Permanently? What's happened to 13?" Cato asked, mouth open from shock.

"No, not permanently," Katniss answered with a dumbfounded stare, "For the Mockingjay campaign."

"The Mockingjay campaign? That's got nothing to do with me," Cato replied, turning his attention back toward the dummy, only to be stopped by Katniss's hand.

"You want Celeste back, don't you?" Katniss asked with a stern look. Cato only nodded.

"Then you'd do best to get on Coin's good side. Be her muscle like she wants," Katniss mumbled, keeping her grip on Cato as he bit his cheek.


"Good. Go meet Boggs, we're leaving in an hour," Katniss replied, finally releasing Cato as she walked out.


Cato found himself waiting outside a hovercraft for Katniss's arrival an hour later. Once Katniss appeared, the group was escorted on without a word.

Cato stayed silent most of the ride, grimacing slightly as the group discussed Peacekeepers and District 2.  Now and then, he could feel as the group glanced at him, checking for any signs of lingering loyalty toward the Capitol.

"I'm not a spy for the Capitol, I can assure you that," Cato mumbled as the group looked at him once more. From the corner of his eye, he could see Plutarch's demeanor shift.

"We weren't implying that," spoke Gale, causing Cato to roll his eyes.

"Yeah right. Every time you mention District 2 and it's loyalty to the Capitol, you look at me. You don't trust me because of where I'm from," Cato spat back, turning his entire attention toward the group.

"It's not that, Cato. It's just that District 2 is the most loyal district. We're just being cautious," Plutarch chimed in.

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