44 | War is Over

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"Where are we going?" Celeste asked, trying her best to stand up, only to be pulled down by her ankle

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"Where are we going?" Celeste asked, trying her best to stand up, only to be pulled down by her ankle.

"You're not going anywhere," Gale answered with a stern tone, "You're too hurt."

Celeste looked around at the group in annoyance, noticing as everyone else got ready to leave. Even Cato avoided her gaze as he started to pack a small bag.

"Am I the only one staying behind?" Celeste asked, scoffing as she noticed Peeta putting on a cloak as well. Even Peeta, whom everyone else deemed as a hazard was able to go on this mission and she wasn't? What was she supposed to do? Wait here and die?

"How is that fair? You all get to flee and I'm forced to stay back?" Celeste shot back once no one answered, scoffing when the group looked down.

"It's not like that," Cato jumped in, finally turning his attention toward the girl, "Tigris offered to stay back with you. You'll be safe with her."

Celeste, calming down slightly, placed a hand on her forehead as she sighed. She should know better than this. Cato wouldn't put her in a dangerous situation. But still, she didn't like the idea of staying back.

"At least let me go with Peeta," Celeste insisted, gesturing toward the boy. Little did Celeste know though that Peeta was going to be used as a distraction for the others.

"No way in hell I'm allowing that," Cato responded immediately, followed by Peeta shaking his head profusely.

"I'm not letting you get killed," Peeta muttered, growing protective of his friend.


"No. You protected me, now let me protect you," Peeta answered firmly, standing as tall as he could. Celeste went to argue again, but with the look of determination in Peeta's eyes and the desperation in Cato's, she knew there was no winning.

"Celeste, please. You can hardly stand, you won't make it a minute out there," Peeta relented, resorting to begging to stop the girl. Slowly, Celeste nodded, keeping her gaze on the ground as she heard Cato let out a sigh of relief. 

"Fine. But you guys have to promise to come back for me then," Celeste insisted, looking at the whole group this time. Hesitantly, the group nodded, knowing they most likely won't make it back.

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