Meet me halfway

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I hope you enjoy :)


Tul throws himself on the bed the minute he enters his dorm room, feeling drained after a full day of university lectures. He takes out his phone and finds his boyfriends contact and hits dial. He listens for to the phone ring and ring and decides that P'Waan is probably busy still so he wakes up and goes to have a shower. After a nice refreshing shower he makes himself something to eat, turning on the TV just to have some background noise. The stillness is killing him lately. He hears his phone and picks it up, "Yo."

"Who exactly are you saying 'Yo' to?"

"He pulls the phone away from his ear and sees the caller ID, P'Waan. Shit. "Ah P'Waan, I'm sorry. I didn't even check who was calling before answering." He smiles into the phone.

"I guessed that. I'm sorry I missed your call, I was in a meeting. Can you talk?"

"Always for you. What's up? Are you home yet?" He eats his noodles while listening to his boyfriend. He can stay silent for the rest of his life and just listen to P'Waan talk. The man has the weirdest effects on him.

"Hello? Hello? Tul, are you still there?"

Shit, he got so wrapped up in his mind that he forgot about the call. "Sorry P, I'm just thinking. What were you saying?"

"Thinking about? Is everything okay?"

"Yes P. Ah just things. So are you coming this weekend?" He gets excited just thinking about it. He knows that P'Waan is not far but he misses him.

"Unfortunately I cant make it this weekend, I have some things to take care of. I'm sorry... But I promise I will make it up to you, anything you want just name it."

"You, here." He sighs, he knows that he is being crazy but he hasn't been able to spend any time with the man in the last few weeks. Him being busy with school and P'Waan with work. Still as busy as he is, he never misses an opportunity to be with his boyfriend, oftentimes changing his whole schedule to accommodate his visits. Is it too much to ask for him to do the same just this once? Tul has been feeling rather insecure these last few weeks and he really needed this weekend to calm the storm brewing inside him. They only have around 6 months left of school before they graduate, then he will have all the time in the world to spend on his boyfriend but he just needs the man to meet him halfway sometimes.

"I know that you are busy handling the merger with Riders mum but I miss you. I haven't been able to spend any time with you at all the last few weeks. You have cancelled on me 3 times in a row P'Waan." He rubs his eyes feeling the frustration taking over him. "You know I don't ask for anything except your time. I don't need anything else. I am always the one coming to you, and even when I am there, you are working. I don't want you to think I am being a brat because I am not, I'm understanding, but if you don't make the time for me then don't expect me to do it for you either." He ends the call, this should make him think twice about cancelling on him again. He washes his dishes and shuts off everything then jumps into bed. He hears his phone ringing non stop so he decides to silence it. Yes, he is petty and he knows it.


He tries again to call his boyfriend but is unsuccessful. What was that about? He decides to call Win instead, maybe he will know what is happening. It barely rings before he answers, "Win, do you know..."

"I'm a bit busy right now, can you call later. Better yet, I will call you."

He hears his brother breathing heavily, "Are you okay..." Shit. He interrupted him and his activities. He ends the call immediately. Yuck, as if he needs that image in his mind right now. Ah what the hell? He decides to try Dean, maybe he will know what the problem is. He decides to text this time.

Waan: Hey, can I ask you something if you're not busy?

Dean: I guess P, what's on your mind?

Waan: Do you know what's up with Tul?

Dean: He feels insecure about dating you because of your status and you have been neglecting him. Goodnight.

Neglecting him? Insecure? Surely they are not talking about his boyfriend? He sighs running his hands through his hair all of a sudden feeling frustrated. He is so unobservant, if this was going on for weeks then he really is slow because he hadn't noticed a thing, its either that or Tul is really good at acting. He doubts its the second one because Tul cant even lie to save himself. He sees his father walking pass and calls him over, "Dad, can you give me some advice on Tul."

The man is shocked, his son is asking him for advice, relationship advice? He looks around hoping to see the boys mother or literally any other person who he can refer Waan to but he is out of luck. He sighs, "Shoot."

He tells his dad about his and Deans exchange and then he tells him about his and Tuls conversation. He watches his dad remain silent for the longest time, "Dad?" His father finally snaps out of it.

"You really are my son." He shakes his head.

"Huh?" Waan just eyes the man not knowing what this sentence has to do with his problem.

He sighs again, "I say this because did I not do the same thing with you and your brothers? Got so enveloped in work, cancelled vacations, family trips, school meetings? Look where we ended up. Sure we were able to mend our relationships but not fully."

He listens intently, he never thought of that. He is not in the same situation, they just haven't seen each other for a few weeks, his father was absent most of their lives. "Its not the same dad. This is a completely different."

"Yes kid, its different now. But if you remember back then I started with the little things too. Football games, career days, school plays, recitals. All these things that seem so insignificant to me but meant the world to you boys. Something may seem small to us but we all don't share the same feelings son." He looks at him and leaves him with one last thing to think about, "Our business is always growing and expanding, we will always have meeting to attend, work to complete, but will the world end if you send me in your place? Will the world end if you attend remotely? Will the world end if you push it two days and just keep your promises? Live son, I didn't work hard for you to just end up like me, make the time Waan and that is an order." He pats him on the shoulder and leaves him to think about what he just said.

He is lost in though, his dad is right. Everything he fought with him over, he is now doing that to Tul. He understands that part, but what about the insecure part? He and Tul have no problem communicating so where did that come from? Is he keeping things from him? His phone starts ringing and he gets excited thinking its Tul but its not, its Win. His face sours thinking about their earlier call. He ends the call and decides to text,

Waan: I'm sorry I interrupted. I'm good, don't need to talk anymore. Later.

Win: I promise not to answer next time, LOL.

He laughs to himself, kids these days. He also makes a mental note not to call Win a kid in front of Tul since he takes offense, being the same age. He sobers again being drawn back to the issue at hand. He needs to heed his fathers advice. Tul is more important then anything in his life and he needs to make sure he knows this fact. The only question is, how?


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