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VERONICA POV: Me and Katherine were in our office after loud mouth told us to write it good "You heard the man" I said

"Write it good" Katherine mimicked him "Write it good or it's back to wheezing your way through the flower show"

"No pressure" I shrugged, but I was worried

Katherine started writing on the typewriter "Newsies stop The World. Huh, a little hyperbole never hurt anyone"

I started giving ideas "With all eyes fixed on the trolley strike, there's another battle brewing in the city"

"And if we could just write about it..." Katherine sighed

I grabbed the paper and crumpled it, throwing it "Come on Katherine, Veronica! Those boys are counting on you." I put new papers in

"Oh, you poor boys" Katherine said

Write what you know so they say
All I know is I don't know what to write

Or the right way to write it
This is big, ladies, don't screw it up

This is not some little vaudeville we're reviewing

Poor little kids versus rich greedy sourpusses

Hah! It's a cinch!
It could practically write itself

And let's pray it does
Cause as we may have mentioned
We have no clue what we're doing

Are we insane
This is what we've been waiting for

Well that plus the screaming of ten angry editors

"A girl? It's a girl! How the hell?"

"Is that even legal?
Look just go and get her!"

Not only that there's a story behind the story
Thousands of children, exploited, invisible

Speak up, take a stand
And there's someone to write about it

That's how things get better
Give life's little guys some ink
And when it dries just watch what happens
Those kids will live and breathe right on the page
And when once they're center stage
You watch what happens
And who's there with their camera and their own
As boys turn into men
They'll storm the gates and then
Just watch what happens when they do

I squealed and ran over to the type writer, this time being my turn to write it "Okay,
Um... A modern day David is poised to take on the rich and powerful Goliath"

Katherine added on "with the swagger of one twice his age, armed with nothing more than a few nuggets of truth, Jack Kelly stands ready to face the behemoth Pulitzer"

So that's loud mouths name, Jack Kelly

"Not that is how you turn a boy into a legend" I said, leaning back in my chair

Picture a handsome, heroically charismatic
Plain spoken, know-nothing, skirt-chasing
Cocky little son of a..

Lie down with dogs
And you wake up with a raise and a promotion
So he's a flirt

A complete ego maniac
The fact is he's also the face of the strike
What a face

Face the fact that's a face that could save us all from sinking in the ocean
Like someone said
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power...

Wait! Wait!
That is genius!
But give us some time
We'll be twice as good as that

Six months from never

Just look around at the world we're inheriting
And think of the one we'll create
Their mistake is they got old

That is not a mistake we'll be making
No sir
We'll stay young forever
Give those kids and me
The brand new century
And watch what happens
It's David and Goliath
Do or die
The fight is on
And I can't watch what happens
But all I know is nothing happens if you just give in
It can't be any worse than how it's been
And it just so happens
That we just might win
So whatever happens
Let's begin!

Katherine sat down and started typing away with me behind her giving her ideas to type

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