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VERONICA POV: Jack, Davey and Soot went to talk to my father while all the other newsies were standing outside of the circulation gate

Katherine offered be to go inside his office but I decided to stay outside with the newsies. Race grabbed onto my hand and squeezed it nervously. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. I smiled at him letting him know that everything was going to be okay

Later we saw Jack coming out and we heard him announce something "Newsies of New York City. We won!"

Race cheered and picked me up and spun me around but he put me back down when Jack spoke again "And now I would like to introduce my very own personal pal, Governor Theodore Roosevelt himself!"

Race looked at me and pointed to the Governor with a smiled and I nodded happily at him before looking back at the Governor

"Each generation must, at the height of its power, step aside and invite the young to share the day. You have laid claim to our world and I believe the future, in your hands will be bright and prosperous!"

We all clapped for the Governor and he spoke again "Your drawing, son, brought another matter to bear. Officers! If you please"

The whistles blew and everyone walked into a clump but Race shouted "Hey Jack, look. It's Crutchie!"

Everyone cheered at the fact that Crutchie was back and I smiled at their happiness for their friend "Oh! And look what I got for youse, a gift. Straight from the refuge. Bring him in fellas!"

Snyder was brought over by two police men and a newsie said "He ain't looking so tough no more"

"Jack, with those drawing, you've made an eloquent argument for shutting down the refuge. He assured that Mr. Snyder's abuses will be fully investigated. Officers, take him away!"

"Oh please your highness, may I do the honors?" Crutchie asked excitedly

Crutchie put the handcuffs on Snyder's wrists and smacked his butt with his crutch "So long sucker!"

The newsies lined up to get their papers again but Race didn't do that. He ran over to me and smashed his lips onto mine. The guys around us started cheering and wolf whistling. We pulled away smiling like idiots and the newsies were all congratulating Race and Katherine winked at me

Race ran to the front of the line and bought his papers first. Race looked at me and smiled "I can't believe we've won"

I opened my mouth to say something but got cut off my Les yelling "Guys!"

We all turned around to see Jack and Katherine kissing. Everyone cheered for the second kiss and congratulated Jack like they did Race but Davey spoke up "Jack, are you in or you out?"

Everyone shouted over each other and then Jack slammed his money on the counter to get his papers

Everyone cheered for him

Race ran over to me and kissed me again, he lifted me a little so I could reach him without having to get up onto my tip-toes. We pulled away and everyone was talking to each other, happy that the strike was now over

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