The sandlot boys

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I woke up early in the morning and went for and morning run to give Scotty a little more time to sleep, I ran past a drug store called Vincent's drug store I decided to go in and grabbed a new ball for Me and Scotty to use, I purchased it and ran out and kept running around town till I came back to our house. The whole time I was thinking about what that boy wrote to me on the window I mean "hi stranger" is nothing special but just the fact that he actually acknowledged me.

I ran upstairs and changed my outfit I put on bell bottoms and a orange crop top, I walked into Scotty's room to see him getting ready himself, "ready to go" I said "yup lets hit it" he said and we both walked downstairs and out the door. "ok I went for a run earlier and got us a ball to catch with" I said "ok" he said and we continued small talk until we got to a unabandoned baseball diamond, "lets play here" I said putting my glove on and running on the diamond, "uh y/n I don't know how to throw... Or catch" he said "ok I can teach you" I said I taught him for a bit until he kinda got the hang of it.

A little later we got tired and laid down on the grass until we heard voices, "Hey! What are you guys doing on our field" a redhead boy said, seven other boys stood behind him, "Who said it was your field it didn't have a sign saying 'Idiot boys field here'" I said with Scotty at my side. "Well uhh its our field we had it first before you came along" the redhead said "well technically we were here first so really yall should be leaving" I said I scanned the group of boys until I saw a familiar 5'8 boy. "can you even play baseball" said the short kid with glasses looking at both me and Scotty. "I can, he's learning" I said defending us both. "ok so if you can play Kenny here will pitch you a ball and if you hit it you can stay and play with us but if you don't you and your brother have to leave" he said I thought about it for a bit until I finally said "ok deal" I grabbed the bat from the boy and I went to the home plate.

I got in my stance and Kenny got on the pitchers mount. "This is my heater its neighborhood famous you better hit it" he said I concentrated on the pitch I didn't blink the whole time. He pitched the ball and I got the bat ready right at the perfect moment BAMMM I hit the ball past the fence and I ran even though I made a home run. "So uh boys how bout that bet" I said jogging over to the where the rest of the boys were standing in shocked still looking at the fence.

"Y-y-you did that!" The short kid with the glasses said, "yeah yeah you did that" another kid said staring right at me, "uh yeah I did it was my best hit but it was something I guess" I said fixing my glove into my hand again. "So the bet?" I said still looking at confused boys, "oh yeah" the 5'8 boy said he came over and stood by me and I couldn't help but get butterflies all in my stomach.

"Ok that's Timmy and Tommy Timmons, Mike 'Squints' Palledorous, Alan McClennan we call him yeah yeah, Bertram Grover Weeks, Kenny DeNunez, and Hamilton Porter we call him Ham and I'm Benny" he said "ok your going to keep having to tell me your names cause I won't remember but I'm Y/n and that's Scotty" I said

After we were done introducing each other we started playing a bit, Scotty took left centered and me and Benny took turns batting. Benny helped Scotty out a bit which I appreciated and by the end of the day Scotty knew how to throw and catch, better than I could have done.

Once we were done we all walked home together. Bertram and Timmy and Tommy were the first to leave, then Yeah yeah and Squints, and then Kenny and Ham which left me Benny and Scotty. Once we got close to the houses Scotty said goodbye to go tell mom what he did, "wait smalls" yelled Benny running after him "here take my hat and throw that one in the fireplace" he said referring to the hat he was wearing. I remember that hat it was our dads when we were small and it was the only thing Scotty really had on him so I knew he wasn't going to throw it in the firplace, "uh yeah well it was the only one I had" he said staring at the ground. "Well not anymore here take it it's yours" Benny said giving him the hat, "thanks Benny!" And after that he ran inside to tell mom the news.

"Thank you Benny for helping him today he really enjoyed it" I said trying not to blush, "don't worry about it princess" and with that we both went our separate ways walking into our houses. I couldn't help but blush when he called my princess it was the most amazing feeling and I wouldn't leave my stomach but then again I didn't want it too.

We ate dinner and Scotty told us all about our day and how he learned to catch and throw, when he said that Bill actually stopped what he was doing and listened but right when Scotty went a whole new topic he zoned off again. After dinner I went into my room and got into pjs I braided my hair and I went and looked out the window and I saw another piece of paper on the window.

'I had fun today, tomorrow let's hang out just you and me'

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