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I got home around 5:30pm without scotty cause he went to Ham's for a sleepover. I went upstairs and took a long shower and got into some comfy clothes and went downstairs to make some food.

I knew my parents probably weren't going to be home for a couple of hours because they had an event for work that probably would get done around midnight. I made some cereal cause I didn't feel like trying and I turned the tv on to see what was on, I saw my most favorite movie The Parent Trap so I turned that on and ate my cereal.

I always like this movie cause even though my parents were fully in love and not divorced, after my dad died we had a broken home so I felt like I could relate in a way but I always cried at the end cause they got their parents back together in the end and I never got that. Once the movie was over I put my dosh in the sink and I went upstairs to my room and turned on my radio and listened to what they had playing which was a bunch of Paul Anka and Ben E. King but I wasn't complaining cause I loved them both.

I looked out my window into Benny's bedroom to see him walking in probably just finishing dinner, I saw him walk in and take off his shirt and change into a white one and I closed my curtains just as he was about to change his pants. I decided to go downstairs and do my chores before my parents got home and got mad.

Once I got downstairs I heard a car pull into the driveway but it was around 8:30 so I was confused cause it couldn't of been my parents cause it was way to early for them to get home. I looked out the window to see a car I recognized really well and I saw a certain someone who was my ex, Jacob, coming out of that car and he looked so angry.

"Y/n!!! Let me in!!!" he yelled and banged on the door, "Let me in I know your in there you piece of shit!" he yelled. I didn't know what the do so I ran out the back door and ran to the sandlot but when I was running I could hear car screeching coming my way but I kept running faster and faster. I couldn't believe it how could he have drove from Texas to Utah! that was insane.

He stopped once he saw me running and he started chasing me down the sidewalk and through that sandlot until he jumped on me pushing us both on the ground, "Your coming with me, you got it" he said with his red face and he was clenching his jaw holding my down. "Are you crazy im not going with you, you piece of crap leave me alone!" I yelled trying to get out of his grasp.

"Who says your not coming with me" he said with a smirk, "Me!" I yelled and kneed him in the place where it don't shine and I got up and started sprinting to my house not looking back cause in no time I could here the car screeches coming back towards me. I was so scared of him and I couldn't believe that he drove all the way here from Texas.

I kept running till I got to my house and I ran in and locked the back door where I ran into, but I heard a door slam I knew he entered through the front, I ran up to my room but I knew he was right behind me anyway but I still kept running to my room. I ran into my room and tried to lock the door but he pushed it open to where I couldn't lock it. I ran to the corner by my window that peers into benny's room.

He started hitting me and punching me and I couldn't do a thing about it cause he was 3x bigger than I was so if I hit him back he would probably hit me even harder. He kept hitting me and hitting me and kept yelling, "Your coming with me bitch, your coming with me" he kept yelling at me and he started dragging me towards the door to bring me to his car but I kept fighting him and holding him back from pulling me more.

Until Benny showed up standing at the door, they both were the same height but Jacob was a little bigger than Benny, "Let her go man" benny said guarding the door so he couldn't get out with me, "Man, who even are you get out of my way" Jacob said and continued to pull me towards the door. He was squeezing onto my arm to where it was probably bruised and my face was probably bruised as well.

"well im not going to let you do that" he said I looked down to see his baseball bat in his right hand, "let her go or ill beat you so hard you won't be able to walk" Benny said he was clenching his jaw and his hand tightened around the bat. "You really think you could beat me with a bat" Jacob said laughing to himself, "I bet your her little boyfriend aren't you" Jacob said getting closer to Benny but still holding on to my arm.

"What if I am, does that make a difference" Benny said looking at him, "If you were I hate to tell you but she's mine so I would back off" Jacob said he then tried to push away Benny but Benny pushed him against the wall and whispered to him, "Let. Her. Go" Benny whispered to him and I felt the hand that was around my wrist lighten and his hand slowly came off my wrist and he walked away to his car and sped off.

Once he left I fell to the ground and started to cry, I couldn't help it but I didn't think Benny minded it cause he held me while I cried and he let me just break down into his shoulder, he should of just let me go but he didn't, he held me in such a way I felt safe and sound. He noticed me holding my wrist and he touched it ever so slightly, "Are you okay, who was that, why was he here, oh my god your face" he said there was so many questions he said, "I'm okay Benny he's done this before, and that was my ex, Jacob he came from Texas and I guess he wanted to take me back with him" I said "Come, follow me" He says.

I follow him into the bathroom and he picks me up and puts me on the counter and grabs a towel and soaks it, "You don't have to do this" I say looking at my wrist, he suddenly raised my chin to where I was staring at him, "yes, yes I do" he said he then continued cleaning my face and he iced my wrist. "Ok that should be good, and you definitely aren't playing at the sandlot tomorrow" he said. "w-what, no I have to play" I said "no you don't you need to rest, your wrist needs to rest" he said. "ok fine but im hanging out in the dugout" I said "ok you can do that but I don't want you holding a bat and a glove." he said "Now go lay down" he said so I followed his orders and I went into my bed and laid down and he was about to leave, "Wait, can you stay with me" I said sitting up, "always" he said and came back and he sat down on my bed and I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep.


I stayed with her, held her, and it felt like she was mine but she wasn't but I wish she was. Once I knew she was fully asleep I whispered to her "you, Y/n, will always be mine, even if we separate, even if we date other people, you will always be mine, always and forever" I whispered I then started to feel my eyes getting heavy and before I knew it I fell asleep with Y/n in my arms and I felt like the luckiest man alive.

I was closing my eyes when I heard the door open, "Look at them, I just know someday they will be married Bill" Mrs. Smalls said I heard a slight "mhm" from bill and she quietly closed the door and I couldn't help smiling at what she said I turned to my side with my arm around her waist and we both fell asleep calm and peaceful, holding each other knowing tomorrow we both would go back to being best friends, but for this tiny moment we were here with each other in her still room.

Heyy guys!! I hope yall are enjoying this story its probably one of the best I have made and I'm really enjoying writing this. I think I'm going to make benny and y/n stay friends with benefits for a bit and see how it unravels throughout the story.

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