The pool incident

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When I got to the sandlot with Scotty it was hot as hell I mean even the walk here was exhausting. I was using my hat to fan myself and I made my way to the dugout and sat down panting and panting, "Benny man it's so hot out here" Ham said drinking the last bit of soda we had cause yeah yeah and squints went to go get more.....


Me and yeah yeah went into Vincent's drug store and grab a case of soda and a baseball Benny insisted we being even though it was too hot out side. We paid for our stuff and walked out in the depths of hell, the heat. "I hope Y/n can get through Benny about not playing today" Yeah yeah said as we started walking, until I saw the most beautiful, gorgeous, human being ever.

Wendy Peffercorn. She had the most blondest hair and the bluest blue eyes ever, and she was wearing a green and white checked dress and a matching headband and her white sunglasses. I could stare at her all day she was so beautiful.

She walked past me and Yeah yeah and gave us her gorgeous smile and I could a cheesy smile forming my smile. "Man, let's get to the sandlot" yeah yeah said after he slapped my arm, and we started running to the Sandlot.

When we got to the Sandlot everyone was sitting in the dugout using their hats as fans. "Finally you guys took to long" Benny said grabbing the baseball while everyone else grabbed a soda from the case. "Come on guys let's go we are wasting time" Benny said staring to walk away, "This pop isn't working, Benny, Im baking like a toaster cheeser! It's so hot here" Ham yelled. "It's 150 degrees out there, You can't play baseball, You got to call it for the day" I said, "Liasten to him Benny" Y/n said she looked like she was dying sitting in the corner, but to be honest i was too.

"Vote then. Anybody who wants to be a 'can't hack it' pantywaist who wears there's mama's bra, raise your hand" Benny said and everyone shot their hand up except Y/n cause that would have been weird if she did. We all agreed on it saying we could handle it and Benny gave in, "so what are we gonna do" he said and looked at everyone, Me and yeah yeah looked at each other and started weird laughing and then all the guys except Benny joined in, "SCAM POOL HONEYS!" all the boys yelled, Y/n and Benny rolled their eyes but went with it and we all agreed to meet back here in 30 minutes with our bathing suits.


We all agreed to meet up at the sandlot in 30 minutes with our suits and to go to the pool. Me and Scotty ran home and ran up stairs, i grabbed a bright pink two piece and a towel and ran to Scotty's room.
(This is what the swimsuit looks like, if you don't like it you can imagine your own )

(This is what the swimsuit looks like, if you don't like it you can imagine your own )

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He grabbed his suit and we ran downstairs and out the door. We ran to the sandlot and met up with the others there. "About time you guys showed up" Squints said, "don't worry Y/n he's just excited to see Wendy Peffercorn" yeah yeah said nudging squints in the arm " shut up yeah yeah lets just go" he said and started to walk off and everyone else followed.

'Who's Wendy Peffercorn?" I asked Benny on the way there, " oh she's this pretty girl that Squints likes her. She's 15 and she lives right down the road over there" he pointed the a big gray house, really the biggest on the street so I was guessing her family was wealthy. " oh ok" I said we continued to talk until we got there. The boys and me went our separate ways to go change, I walked in to see about 10 girls standing in the bathroom just chatting.

"Hi, I haven't seen you around before you must be new, I'm Diana and these are my friends" she pointed to 5 other girls all about my age, " Hi I'm Y/n it's nice to meet you" I said and we all started talking, I learned that the 5 other girls were Stacy, Annabelle, Katherine (Kate), Ava, and Wendy. Wendy was wearing a lifeguard suit and she was the oldest out of all us, but only by a year, and I was guessing this was the girl Benny was telling me about. I put my bikini on and walked out with the girls.


Me and the boys all went into the locker room to change once we separated from y/n. "So you like her" Ham said while they boys were changing but they soon stopped to listening once they heard Ham. "like who?" I knew who they were talking about I just wanted to acted clueless, "Y/n you dumbass" Bertram said pushing me a bit. "I mean we just met and she's pretty and all but.." I said " but what benny man" said Kenny " I guess I like her I mean she is gorgeous her eyes are so deep and beautiful and her hair is absolutely amazing and her personality is to die for" I said and when I scanned the room looking at all the guys, for once they weren't cracking jokes they were all listening close.

"that's beautiful benny" Timmy says " yeah that's beautiful" says Tommy. The guys continued to give me advice on what to do but I decided not to tell her cause I didn't know if she liked me. After a couple minutes we all ran out and jumped into the pool except Ham who went to impress the ladies which didn't work out to well.

That's when I saw her, she looked gorgeous, she was walking out with 6 other girls and one of them happening to be Wendy Peffercorn. She was the prettiest one there in her pale pink bikini. After finally leaving the group she walked towards the pool to us. "hi" she said, her voice made butterflies do jumping jacks in my stomach every time I heard it, it was like music.

She got in the water and we all played for a bit till Squints started to stare at Wendy, "oh man" I said joining the guys looking at Wendy, I looked to the corner of my eye and saw Y/n face a little hurt. "yeah yeah too cruel" yeah yeah said, "she don't know what she's doin" Timmy said "yeah she don't know what she's doing" Tommy said. "Yeah she does, she knows exactly what she's doing" I said.

"I've swam here every summer of my adult life, and every summer there she is lotion, oiling, oiling, lotion. smiling, smiling I can't take it anymore!" he said and he began to swim to the ladder.


Squints walked to the diving board and got on he waved at Wendy and took off his glasses and jumped off...

We all started swimming and yelling to alert her cause Squints can't swim in the deep end. she dove in after hearing the chaos and got squints and brought him to the edge of the pool and starting the do CPR, we were all panicking for our friend and after a few minutes he still wasn't waking up and I grabbed onto Benny's arm until when Wendy went to blow onto his mouth I saw his hand come up and grab her head and he kissed her. All the boys were in awe at the situation but I was furious, she was one of the new people I met, a girl even, and I wasn't about to lose her.

She started flipping out and I didn't blame her for it. She pulled Squints and all the boys out and banned them from the pool. I walked up to her to apologize, "I'm so sorry Wendy I didn't even know he was going to do that" I said she was still mad a the situation but her face lit up when I apologized, "It's ok y/n I know you had nothing to do with it, boys are so gross" she said and started to laugh I did too and I agreed with her. " Well I better go but I wanted to make sure we were ok" I said " yes we are fine, hey me and the girls were having a sleepover tomorrow night at Diana's if you wanna come" she said I was so excited I didn't have to be with boys " yes I will come, see you later!" I said

I walked off towards the boys. I was a little jealous about what Benny said about Wendy but I wasn't going to hold it against him, Wendy was the most prettiest girl I've ever seen so I didn't blame him but the worse part was I thought in the slightest I thought he liked me.

Hey guyyyyys I haven't posted in a while cause finals and summer just started so ill be posting more. I made this chapter a little long cause I made the last one short. I wanted to give yall some girlfriends in this book cause where else are yall going to go for your boy troubles. Anyway hope yall are enjoying!!

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