Hopeless romantic

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It was Wednesday and I left the Sandlot early for my sleepover with Diana and the girls. As I was walking to my house from the Sandlot a hand grabbed onto my wrist and it turned me around. "Hi Benny what's up" I said as I stared into his dark brown eyes, "I was thinking I could walk you home" he said putting his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. "I mean I thought you wanted to play more baseball it's not that late" I said started to walk as he followed. "It's just one night I can miss" he said.

It was quiet for a couple minutes until I continued the conversation, "Sooooo you like anybody" I said it was an up forward question but I mean he's my best friend. "Uhhh nobody you know me baseball, baseball, baseball" he said "who do you like" he repeated the question to me and I started freaking out, he didn't like me so I couldn't tell him I'm starting to fall for him, "oh you know me... nobody" I replied "oh ok" he said he sounded sad but I don't know why.

Once we got to my house I said a quick goodbye and walked inside my house and got ready, I took a quick shower and dried my hair, I threw on some mascara and lip gloss and packed a bag with the essentials. I put on a long blue t - shirt with a van on it and put some jean shorts on and wrote a quick note to my parents where I was going to be.

I walked down the street to Diana said she lived which wasn't that far from my house. I knocked on the door and a woman a little taller than me, she had blonde hair which was in tight curls. "Hi I'm Y/n Smalls I'm here for the sleepover" I replied she smiled sweetly and let me in.

It was a big house inside with a big living room and a staircase on both sides of the entrance. "Y/n your here!" Diana said coming down the stairs, "we are all up stairs, come on" she said and we both start running up the stairs.

We walked into this enormous room with white walls and a huge canopy bed and a big rug with a vanity and walk in closet. "I love your room" I said staring at everything, "thanks" she said and climbed on her bed with the rest of the girls and I joined as well.

We talked and gossiped about.. well everything. " Jacob Bickert is so hot" Annabelle said, "Oh yeah he is, I heard that he had sex with Lindsay Thompson" Katherine said and Ava agreed with her. "He tried hitting on my older sister the other day at Vicent's" she said "OMG spill" Wendy said and we all listen closely, "Ok, well we walked in and he was working the counter as always and we got everything we needed and headed to the counter. He started looking her up and down and started flirting like crazy" she said she kept talking with more details and stuff until it was about 11pm.

"So Y/n do you have anyone in mind" Diana said and all the other girls stared at me. "Well, I love baseball I have ever since I was little with my dad, and so when we moved here me and my little brother met Benny Rodriguez and the other sandlot boys and we started hanging out with them, Benny started to become my best friend out here and now I feel like im developing feelings for him" I said just spilling everything to them. "Benny Rodriguez!! I've known him since Grammer school and he doesn't give any girl the time of day, not even to talk to him in the halls for 5 minutes." Ava exclaimed "So has he done anything special to you" Wendy said, "Well today before I came he walked me home from the Sandlot and left playing baseball to walk me home" I replied and we continued to talk and Me and Benny, and as Diana said "The Hot New Topic".


It's been a couple days since the sleepover and me and the girls have become better friends, I barely hung out at the Sandlot anymore cause I was with the girls, but seemly today all of them were busy so I decided to head down to the Sandlot.

Scotty already left a couple hours ago with Benny and Ham and now it was around 11am, I got up and put my hair in a tight ponytail and threw on some shorts with a gray tank and put Benny's jersey on that he gave me a couple weeks ago. I headed down to the Sandlot but stopped at Vicent's for a soda. I walked in to the sound of the bells at the top of the door, "Welcome to Vicent's if you need anything i'd be happy to assist you" said in a bored voice, he looked up from the magazine he was reading to me, " well in that case, I will be very happy to assist you" he said looking me up and down. This must be Jacob the girls were talking about at the sleepover. He was handsome I have to give them that but he looked like he was 18. "Thanks" I said and walked straight to the back fridge to grab a soda.

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