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The air felt cold and sharp against Maliyas skin. It was the middle of the night and she had no idea why her father had called her to the forest at such a late hour.

She had only a cloak and lantern to keep warm which didn't do much against the freezing air of the North during wintertime.

As she grew closer to the area marked on the map left on her nightstand, the woods seemed to grow larger and darker. Maliya thought this must be some sort of punishment for not fulfilling her training requirements that day. She wanted to make a joke of the situation but there was a lingering feeling of fear that stuck to her like the snow clung to her cloak.

From the distance, she could see the light of a torch growing closer to her. Just then she saw a large shadowy figure approach her slowly.

Maliya's breath hitched and she quickly put her hand on the end of her sword "twilight", a family heirloom passed down from generations on her mother's side of the family.

"There's no need to be afraid child, for it's only I." Rickon Stark called out towards Maliya from the darkness. She let out a breath of comfort as she realized it was only her father.

"Come and walk with me. I'm sorry to call on you at such a late hour but I must tell you a story as my father told me and his father before. You're five and ten now the same age as I was when I had to hear this." Maliya was silent. She knew it had to be a serious matter as her father never had such a harrowing tone in his voice.

"Many years ago your ancestors prophesied that one day the North winds would grow colder and the dragon would rise from ice rather than fire. The firstborn child would rise with the dragon to save the Stark dynasty."

Rickon stopped moving and his eyes grew darker. He put his hands on Maliyas shoulders and looked deep into her eyes.

"The North winds are growing darker Maliya. I am growing weaker and there must be a predecessor to take my place." His grip grew tighter and he seemed to become more disheveled the more he spoke.

"Father you're hurting me. Let go please." Maliya tried to rip herself away from her father but his strength overtook her.

"There must be a predecessor Maliya. The North winds have grown colder!" He continued to repeat those two phrases shouting louder and louder each time.

Just then Maliya opened her eyes and was shaken awake by her brother. She looked up at him with wide eyes and pure horror.

"Maliya are you alright, what happened?" He looked into her brown and blue heterochromatic eyes with fear. She seemed to calm down slowly until she was finally able to speak.

"Just a bad dream, nothing to worry about." She backed away and looked out the window of their carriage.

They seemed to be getting closer to their destination as she was starting to recognize the houses in the village.

"I'm just nervous about going back to the Red Keep after all these years. We haven't been back since Rhaenyra gave birth to Visyeris, and you know how awkward it was then."

"I can understand your fear but that was five years ago and I'm sure things have changed since then. Who knows, maybe they're back to being one big happy family?" Cregan smiled wide and laughed at the idea of house Targaryen being a happy family after all these years. With every laugh, his short curls bounced along his head. Maliya simply rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Hey, think about it this way. It's been a long time and they've all had time to change. Maybe you and Aemond can finally become friends again like it used to be. You used to be so close, what happened?"

Maliya turned back to her brother and in a monotone voice and said, "He stole Vaghar." The rest of the ride was silent neither of them dared to speak after digging up the past. It may have been seven years ago but it still felt like just yesterday Aemond had claimed what was once supposed to be Rhaenas dragon and he lost an eye.

Still, she couldn't help thinking about the kind young boy he used to be. The boy who would bring her wildflowers every time he was out in the forest. The boy who comforted her every year during the anniversary of her mother's death.

Alas, he wasn't that young kind boy anymore and he hadn't been for a long time. Aemond had grown distant and cold with time. What was left of their best friendship was now overtaken by anger and resentment.

"Time to go my Lord. We're here." The driver opened the door on Cregan's side and let them know they had made it to the Red Keep. Anxiety seemed to creep up on Maliya but she knew she had to push through.

Although she wanted to she couldn't just go back to Winterfell and leave her older brother alone. She needed to stay strong for him because he was too kind and could never protect himself. That was the real reason she had come along with him, otherwise she would like to have stayed in the comfort of Winterfell.

The drivers grabbed their luggage and walked them toward the doors. When they opened Maliya and Cregan were immediately greeted by most of house Targaryan, all except one was there. Aemond was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, my dears I'm so glad to have you both here after so long!" Queen Alicent smiled widely as she spoke and hugged both Cregan and Maliya tightly.

"You've both grown so much. Cregan, I haven't seen you since you were just four and ten, now look at you. You've grown into a rather large young man!"

She was right. Starks grew large and Cregan stood at a height of six foot five. He towered over everyone in the room. Maliya was an average five foot five but she was proud of it. It made sure she wasn't the center of attention in any room, that was reserved for her brother.

"Maliya wow, you my dear have grown into such a beautiful young woman. How old are you now?"

"I'm seven and ten your grace." Maliya responded then bowed gracefully to the queen.

"Well, you have most definitely grown. You're just about the age of Aemond aren't you? I might have to propose a betrothal just to keep a beauty like you in the family."

Alicent laughed as if she was just joking but Maliya feared otherwise. Just then she heard a scoff from the stairs above and quickly looked up. However, all she saw was the end of someone's long white hair leaving the room unable to see their face.

Eventually, everyone had greeted Maliya and Cregan and then they were separated and shown their respective rooms for the time being. A beautiful maid with blonde hair and blue eyes named Lyla helped Maliya with her bags and showed her which room was hers.

It had been a long time since she'd seen the walls of the Red Keep and Maliya couldn't help but reminisce on the days of her youth while walking the halls.

She knew it would be different now and had to get used to it.

1253 words

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