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The day was a long one. There was nothing to do and no one to speak to. After Heleana had left the gardens Maliya simply wandered around aimlessly.

Usually she would be training but that wasn't a possibility anymore unless she wanted everyone to witness her skills.

Cregan hadn't been seen training at all which was a worrying concern on Maliya's mind. He'd have to prove his skills eventually and frankly he had none.

Maliya cursed herself for never taking the time to help her brother train. She knew it was her job to keep him safe but it never occurred to her to help him keep himself safe. There was so much to do and such little time.

Maliya had started her training at the age of nine but it was minimal. She simply learned defensive maneuvers and how to hold a sword. However by the age of five and ten she'd been fighting her fathers battles. In the midst of war she'd been out on the battlefield against those who dared defy the Starks.

With that much experience and trauma Maliya eventually learned what trust truly meant and there were only three people in the world she trusted. They were Rickon Stark, Cregan Stark, and Maliya Stark. Nova as well but she didn't really count.

Family was everything.

She hadn't even noticed but Maliya's feet had led her to Cregan's door. She longed for true human interaction and not just putting on a facade where she sat still and looked pretty.

"Cregan! Open the door, I'm bored!" After a few beats the door creaked open and she witnessed Cregan trying to balance a book on his nose.

He looked down and the book crashed into the floor.

"What are you doing?"

Cregan scoffed and said,"Well I was trying to teach Shadow a new trick but you've just ruined it."

"He's a dire wolf not a show animal Cregan could you at least give him a little bit of respect."

Suddenly a bark made them both turn and they saw Cregan's wolf doing the same action Cregan was only moments before.

"Good job Shadow!" Cregan ran towards the wolf and roughly pet him while Shadow barked with happiness.

Maliya's face was blank with confusion. Shadow was Cregan's dire wolf of course he'd be just as idiotic.

"Every time I spend time with you I end up more shocked than the last." Maliya sighed and sat down on the ground next to Nova who was sitting up in a polite stance.

"It's not my fault you and Nova are boring while Shadow and I are the greatest creatures in all of the North."

"Might I remind you we're no longer in the North Cregan."

"I'm reminded every time I walk out into the blazing sun and melt into the stone walkways." He paused for a moment. "I miss Winterfell."

"Weren't you the one who decided to come back?"

"Yes but I suppose I'm not used to it anymore. Aegon spends all of his time drinking or laying with different women and Heleana..."

He stopped speaking for a moment, lost in thought.

"I understand. I warned you it wouldn't be what it once was."

"I didn't expect it to feel so lonely." Cregan spoke again with a defeated look on his face.

"Why don't you at least try speaking to her. Heleana is still the same person she was before."

"Yes, except now she comes with twins and a baby on her hip. Why don't I just babysit her children, perhaps they'd like to spend some time with me since no one else will!"

He huffed,"How could you even say that after not even attempting to speak to Aemond."

"This is not about Aemond this is about you and Lady Heleana don't try to change the matter at hand."

"I'm simply stating mere facts. I bet you're just afraid to speak to him. Now that he's all mysterious and handsome you're too afraid to speak up."

Maliya went red Cregan's logic was entirely wrong. "How dare you imply that-"

"Imply what? that he's handsome? So you think he's ugly. I see, that's why you're avoiding him!"

"What? I don't think he's ugly, that's not-" Maliya was interrupted once again.

"I knew it! So you fancy his new looks and that's why you're avoiding him."

"I just haven't seen him around the castle and he's been nothing but cold to me since the first day we arrived."

"Yes of course." He said silently.

There was a moment of silence which was quickly interrupted by Cregan.

"Except for when he walked you to your room late at night of course."

Maliya's eyes went wide. "How could you possibly know that happened?"

"Sometimes I get bored and warg into Shadow then walk around the castle. No one questions a dire wolf in pitch darkness." He shrugged as if what he was saying wasn't completely mental.

"While on my walk around the castle I caught a glimpse of Aemond prowling away from your door and into the darkness. He's quite scary now."

Maliya was at the peak of her annoyance and grabbed the book from earlier and threw it directly at Cregan's head.

He shouted and rubbed his head with his hand.

"Why are you only stupid when you choose to be." She said in a defeated voice.

"It's a gift truly." Cregan said, smiling wide then he placed the book onto his nose once more.

Maliya then laid down completely on her back trying to think of thoughts other than Aemond.

She imagined the cold Winterfell air and dark nights filled with the howling of wolves. If there was one thing she missed it was sneaking out with Cregan into the woods and riding their large dire wolves like horses as they raced into the darkness.

Then the idea struck her.

"Cregan let's sneak out."

Words 984

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