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This one's yours your grace." Lyla spoke as she opened the door to a gorgeous room with lots of whites, grays, and blues.

Maliya ran to a center platform that held her bed and jumped on it to rest.

"It's beautiful my goodness and this bed is so comfortable I could stay here forever!" Maliya shouted with excitement as she rolled around on her bed.

"We wanted to make you feel comfortable my lady, so we had the room filled with colors of House Stark. I hope it's to your liking." Lyla smiled softly and curtsied before she left the room.

Maliya was now incredibly excited and decided she had to explore the whole room. She hopped off of her bed and stepped onto the platform.

She had a nightstand to her left which only held a brush and looking glass. She picked up the looking glass and stared at herself for a moment.

Queen Alicent had called her a "great beauty" and she was very thankful but couldn't see it herself.

She poked at her soft round features and wished she had an older more defined-looking face. Her face was short and stubby like a little boy. She thought her most beautiful and only redeeming features were her eyes and her hair. Her eyes were light brown but her left eye was filled with a gorgeous deep blue. Her hair was the color of coal and grew past her hips.

Sometimes when Maliya felt like a man hiding in the shell of a woman her hair always proved that no matter how manly she may act or dress she was a woman. Having to fight her fathers battles had left Maliya with horrid nicknames and no chance of future suitors. It left her incredibly insecure but Maliya knew it was all worth it if she was able to keep her brother safe.

"I feel extremely vain doing nothing but stare at myself in this mirror. I'm going to keep looking around." She said out loud putting the mirror down and looking around.

The room had ginormous windows that had been covered with deep blue curtains. Most of the furniture was blue, the pillows, chairs, even the bed sheets.

The floor however was dusty and gray and the walls were a soft white color. In the very back of the room however was a ginormous painting of Aegon the first and his sister wives.

Maliya laughed to herself as she thought it was incredibly out of place. She walked towards it and was about to touch it when there was a knock on her door.

"Your Grace! I have a delivery for you may I come inside!" Lyla's voice was heard from the other side of the door.

"Come in Lyla!" Just then the door opened and a giant wolf bounded in and ran straight towards Maliya.

"Oh dear! Your Grace I'm sorry she was too strong are you okay?" Maliya was pushed to the ground as the wolf jumped on her immediately but Lyla was then comforted by the sound of Maliyas laughter.

"Nova sit!" Maliya commanded and the Dire wolf immediately backed away and sat down.

"Thank you for bringing her to me I missed her on the ride here so much."

Nova's large tail was wagging so much Lyla thought the floor might cave in from the weight.

"We've both been cooped up in carriages all day I think we'll go for a walk. Come Nova!" As Maliya got up from the ground Nova slowly walked to her side. They both looked up at Lyla and she gasped sharply.

"Please don't mind my bluntness your Grace but you and your wolf. You look just like each other, your eyes-"

"Cool isn't it. Nova's eyes are perfect mirrors of mine, it's like we're actually related. I know it must be strange to see."

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