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The doors led to a vast corridor engulfed in darkness.

The hour was late and no one was awake to keep the candles burning.

Maliya turned back around and grabbed a candle stick to light her way after everyone had left the room.

She walked forward with one hand on Nova and the other on her candlestick but it provided limited view to what she could see.

Her dress and heels made it harder to walk on the stone floor and she kept tripping up having Nova help her.

Eventually she decided enough was enough and took off her shoes.

Maliya felt the cold of the floors and was transported back to her time at Winterfell. She was already feeling homesick and missing the snowy land she called home.

She knew the next time she returned everything would be different but she had to keep it to herself. Cregan couldn't know anything that would happen. It was imperative he was kept in the dark otherwise his future as lord of Winterfell would crumble.

He was much too soft to know the truth and Maliya and her father knew it.

She was engulfed in thought and didn't notice a crack in the floor right before she stepped causing her to trip up.

There was a yelp and Maliyas candlestick fell from her grasp leaving her in pure darkness. Just before she hit the floor she felt a strong hand grab at her to pull her up. Nova barked and pounced at the stranger causing them to fall on the floor.

"Fuck! You need to keep your mutt in check, I was only trying to help." The cry of prince aemond put everyone at ease as they realized there was no danger around. Once Nova realized it was him she started to wag her tail and lick his face.

"Nova come! My apologies my prince, we had no idea it was you." Maliya looked at the ground where he laid but could only see his outline.

"Ugh now I'm all covered in fur and slobber. You need to tell your dog to make up its mind. Does it hate me or not, I fear it will kill me before it makes a decision."

"She's not an it my prince. She has a name and you know it. I'd prefer if you called her by her name from now on." Maliya held out her hand asking him to take it but he shoved her away and helped himself up instead.

"Fine then. Tell Nova to leave me alone she's made enough of a mess as it is. Why are you still walking these halls alone anyways. Don't you know it's dangerous for a woman to be alone at these hours."

"I can take care of myself, my prince. I'm no damsel in distress."

"Yes I can see that." He looked over at Nova who seemed to smile at him and wag her tail even more.

"Well, if you don't need my help I'll be off then. I have things to do." Before he walked off he stood to stare at Maliya a little longer. Their eyes had adjusted to the darkness now and could see each other in the darkness clearly.

There was a tension in the air that was undeniable but Maliya was sure it was just pure hatred. He then turned but before he could leave Maliya called out for him.

"Wait! I know I said I could take care of myself but it would make it a lot easier for me if I could find the way to my room. And as you can see I've dropped my light source."

She stared at the ground embarrassed she was asking Aemond Targaryen of all people for help.

He just stared again before answering. He always had such a stoic look to him. It was as if Aemond was having a conversation with his eye before he started with his mouth.

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