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Vhagar was a funny looking old woman. Maliya knew it wasn't nice to make fun of her but she always seemed too tired to care about what she was doing or where she was. She often liked to joke that Vhagar truly thought Aemond was Visenya and that they were still conquering lands together.

It always made Aemond so angry when she said this which is exactly why she continued the joke. She would have said anything to frustrate him because of how angry she was at him. How angry she still is.

"Maliya we should go. If Vhagar spots us she might think we're her late night snacks."

"Wait. Vhagar wouldn't be here alone. Either she escaped or Aemond is somewhere near and I want to make sure she didn't get free on her own. Come on, let's just walk a bit further."

"I understand you might want to see Aemond but perhaps you could wait until breakfast and not while the largest living dragon is standing a few meters in front of us." You could see the perspiration drip down Cregan's face with every step forward he took.

"I'm not doing this to see that dragon stealing prince! If Vhagar has escaped then she would be in danger and I want to make sure she's safe. You stay here with Shadow and Nova. I'll go forward."

Nova whined and walked forward refusing to stay behind with Cregan. It might be Maliyas job to keep him safe but it was Nova's job to keep Maliya safe.

They continued to walk towards Vhagar looking around for her rider when she started to sniff the air. She looked around confused as if she could smell them but couldn't see them.

Maliya knew they were in danger now. If they made a noise Vhagar might look their way and Cregan would be right. They would be a small snack.

Nova however didn't fully understand how dire the situation truly was. She overestimated her size and started to growl at the ginormous dragon in the woods as if she could somehow take Vhagar on.

Maliya quickly put her hand on Nova's mouth which she knew meant to be quiet. It however was too late.

Vhagar had heard where they were and she turned to face them. She started to growl softly and no longer had a bored look on her face. She was irritated now and ready for her next meal.

You could see fire appear from her throat and all Maliya and Nova could do was duck behind a tree hoping the fire wouldn't kill her.

"Keligon Vhagar!" A voice shouted in the woods.

Maliya knew this voice belonged to none other than Prince Aemond Targaryen. Her worry grew as he spoke these words because all she could imagine was him telling Vhagar to set her on fire. This would be the perfect time to take her out.

No one knew where she was or how long she'd been out for. Also if Vhagar were to eat her there would be no body to be found.

A hand suddenly grabbed her pulling Maliya away from the tree.

"What are you doing here?" Aemond shouted with anger as he grabbed Maliya.

"That's truly none of your business Prince Aemond." She fought him trying to get loose from his grip.

"Yzaldīzes Vhagar!" Aemond commands once more.

Vhagar then turns her head up to the sky and lets out a huge roar stopping Maliya dead in her tracks. She stops fighting for a moment with an angry look to face Aemond.

"Was that a threat, Prince Aemond?" She asks in a menacing tone.

"It was simply a way to get you to listen. Why are you out here?"

"Let me go." She put up her other fist towards Aemonds face but he moved quickly and restrained her once more.

"I'm going to ask one more time. What were you doing out here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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