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It was early in the morning and the air had stilled. The only sound that could be heard was the chirping of birds outside of Maliyas window. As the sun shined through cracks of light in the blue curtains, Maliya started to awaken.

She rubbed her eyes thoroughly and yawned arms stretched out after a good night's rest. There was something about staying at the Red Keep that kept her nightmares at bay. She wasn't dreaming but at least the nightmares were gone.

After a few moments of being lost in thought Maliya was startled by the sound of clawing at her door. She looked up and saw Nova looking back at her begging to be let out.

"Wait a moment Nova. I have to get dressed and then we can go out." She said softly in order to reassure the dire wolf. As she got out of bed Maliya noticed her dress from the dinner was still on. Memories of last night flooded her mind and Aemond had entered her thoughts. The way moonlight lit up his hair and made him look like nothing shy of an angel. Then she remembered the way he coldly pushed her away after their moment in the room he had shown her. But she also remembered the warmth of his hand as he pinkie promised what had transpired that night would stay a secret.

"Ugh I'm an idiot! What am I even thinking right now, Aemond is a horrible person. He's cold and mean and rude. There's no possible world where I could be thinking fondly on memories of Aemond Targaryen."

She slapped herself on the forehead thinking it would help the embarrassment seeping through her. It however was not enough so she opted to continue getting ready for the morning and move on.

Nova had led Maliya outside to the gardens so she could relieve herself. Maliya had no qualms with it as the gardens were extremely beautiful. The lush trees and foliage were covered with so many flowers and bright colors. She couldn't help but get lost in it all.

"Do you enjoy being in nature too Lady Stark?" Helaenas voice was low and sweet like honey.

"I do my princess but I must admit I don't often get to enjoy it like this. The gardens are most beautiful."

"Yes, I agree I often spend most of my time here studying the plants and the bugs. It's a shame the North is filled with so much Snow."

Helaena then picked up a small black bug that rolled into a ball in her hand studying it.

"It is a shame. However, even if it wasn't so snowy I think I'd still spend most of my time within castle walls rather than enjoying nature."

"Two halves of one whole are most similar." Helaena whispered to herself while petting her small bug.

"May I ask what that animal you have in your hand is?" As Maliya asked the question Helaena's face lit up. A large smile grew on her face and she walked over to stand right next to Maliya.

"It's a pill bug, however, I like to call it a roly-poly. It has a hard outer shell that it uses to protect itself by rolling into a small ball. It's truly fascinating." She held out her hands to let Maliya hold it and hesitantly she took the small creature.

It unrolled itself thinking it was now on solid ground and started to crawl around Maliyas palm.

"It tickles," Maliya stated as she giggled. "You remind me much of my brother Cregan. He loves everything from the largest of animals to the smallest of bugs like this. When we were younger he would cry every time I crushed a bug in front of him."

"Lord Cregan is wise to see a soul in everything no matter how small. That's why we're such good friends I think." She smiled but had a longing look in her eyes.

"Oh, my apologies I forgot you two were quite close growing up. You're around the same age, aren't you? I remember thinking it would be you and Cregan who would be betrothed to each other."

"One year apart my lady. However, that's all in the past now. He's grown into a great man and I a respectable wife to Aegon." Helaena took back the roly-poly and continued to inspect it quietly.

"I hope I didn't overstep with my comment I was merely making conversation."

"Not at all." She looked back up at Maliya. "Would you like to sit in the grass with me for a while? It's been some time since I've had a pleasant conversation with a friend."

Maliya quickly nodded her head at the Princess's request. They sat in the grass for what seemed like forever soaking in the fresh air and plants. Nova was having the most fun chasing butterflies and bathing in the sunlight alongside them.

They knew the peace would soon come to an end as footsteps in the grass started to grow louder near them. Queen Alicent approached with guards trailing alongside her.

"Helaena you're late for your calligraphy lessons! Oh. Maliya what are you doing here?" The queen had a confused look on her face seeing the two together. Helaena often spent most of her time alone and she didn't think someone as rowdy as Maliya would enjoy spending time with her.

"My apologies Mother. I must have lost track of time." She wore a sad look on her face as she started to walk toward the guards.

"No, it's my fault. I kept her here because I wanted to make more conversation. It's been quite lonely for me since leaving Winterfell."

Helaena grew a small smile on her face after being defended with a lie to the queen. Maliya had only partially lied though. She was extremely lonely, but that was a usual occurrence for her, even in Winterfell.

"I see. I'm sorry your stay here has been lonely but you know Aemond has changed quite a bit, he hasn't been the same since he was younger. Although he may seem cold on the outside I promise he has a warm interior. I plead with you to try and break through his surface, then maybe you won't feel so alone. You two have always been most similar."

The queen gave a quick smile before turning around and walking away.

"It was nice talking to you, my lady!" Helaena shouted from afar.

The mention of Aemond had caused Maliya to tense up. She had been trying to forget him not to get to know his true colors. She already knew who he was and there was nothing redeemable about him. He was cruel to all around him and Maliya was no exception.

Though in the back of her mind, she truly wished there was something more to him. She missed him and their escapade last night had only made her miss him more. A wave of longing washed over her and she realized once again she was alone.

She felt solace in the idea that she now had a friend within the castle walls though. Helaena was kind like Cregan and she felt the need to protect a soul like hers. A soul unlike her own.

1217 words

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