Side Story: Nine

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Jealous is an ugly trait.

Everyone had a romantic Valentine's date.

Except for me. I spent the valentines being spit on. I though I was gonna grow some balls and actually asks Giovanni but I was too much of a scaredy-cat to do so.

Weeks has gone by and nothing.

More intense and vivid sex dreams and pent up frustrations.

Well that was months ago. Time to get over it. April is here and I need to take some initiative.

Right on cue, my girls begins to wake up. I head over to the nursery and Leonora and rolling on on her tummy.

"Hi baby girl," I sing to her. She smiles as I pick her up.

Even though it's probably to early to tell but now that the girls are getting bigger they are starting to develop their own personalities.

Leonora is sweet and bubbly whereas Rosalie is mean and sassy.  But only with me.With Giovanni is bubbly and sweet.  She is definitely a daddy's girl.

Rosalie definitely has an attitude don't know where is got it from.

I brought Leonora over to the changing table. As I laid her down I continued making silly face at her to distract her and her giggles and squeals warms my soul.

I quickly change and her place her in a front of my double baby carrier. Rosalie begins to wake and stir awake.

"Hey baby girl," i sing to her.

She smiles softly as I pick her up.

The foulest coming from her diaper almost make me gag.

"Oh lord," I muttered. I quickly changed her diaper and placed her in the back of my baby carrier.

I headed downstairs with them. I placed them in the baby walkers and put on cocomelon.





As the girls sat in their walkers, I clean what I could. My kitchen was in need up a scrub.

After a satisfying Saturday morning clean up, I got my girls ready for the day.

I gave them both a nice warm bath and found cute outfits.

At first I thought that being a twin mom would be extremely hard and it was at first
but now I couldn't imagine life without either of my girls.

In the beginning it was hard telling them apart but now even though they're identical I can always tell them apart.

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