🔴🟠 - Wither x Enderman - Umbrellas and Rain

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Setting: Shortly after the war between the Wither Skeletons and the Endermen, when they become corrupt and "evil", when the Wither Skeletons don't just go after Endermen anymore.

Requested: By @lovelywinter2008

Enderman wandered the Overworld, curious purple eyes flashing a quick glance around. His father, the king, had sent him far away from the End, in hopes that he wouldn't be injured by the more frequent attacks of the corrupt Skeletons.

What his father didn't know was that he was friends with one of them, a corrupted named Wither. Well, corrupt was the correct term, but he wasn't really "infected" with it. He was still the same old mob before the war and during it, not that he would partake in it, the only difference was his bones had turned more brittle and became a charcoal like colour. His abilities also increased slightly, but Enderman wasn't sure if that was due to the infection or because he had been training more often.

The skies began turning grey, a loud rumble snapping Enderman out of his thoughts. What was going on? The void that surrounded the End didn't do that! He wasn't prepared for this!

A clear liquid began to fall from the sky, splashing on the ground and dripping off leaves of plants. One of them hit Enderman and he screeched in pain, teleporting under a tree that was near enough to where he was standing.

What the hell?! He could have at least been warned that he would be attacked by the sky when he came to the Overworld!

Warily reaching a hand out, he allowed a droplet to hit his finger. He pulled back rapidly, backing up against the tree. The finger that was hit didn't seem to have any major damage, but it was smoking. The fuck? What kind of magic spells did they have here?!

Sliding down the trunk of the tree, he sat and watched as the downpour got even heavier, making all surfaces wet and slippy. Which, unfortunately for Enderman, was a real killer.

The leaves above him began to get heavier, filling with water and tilting down, creating even larger splashes of water which seriously hurt Enderman. He couldn't do anything about it though, as he had no idea what it was, or what he was up against!

He looked up to see a massive glob of water about to fall, and he covered his head with his arms, waiting for impact. When there was none, he curiously looked up, to see Wither.

The shorter mob was holding a plastic covering above the two, a sheet that seemingly repelled any rain that fell onto it. It was only then Enderman realised how close the two were, and attempted to pull away. Yet, since if he left the safety of the plastic sheet, he would get drenched in this harmful substance.

He drew back in, making sure his whole body was covered before taking the item from Wither and standing up, which the other soon followed.

"You're looking a little confused, bud. That's an umbrella, it protects you from the rain."

Umbrella? Rain? He had never even seen these items before! Rain... what a strange and harmless name to call something so deadly. Umbrella... what a stranger name to call something so safe and protecting. The Overworld had some weird customs.

The small smile that Wither gave to his friend didn't go unnoticed, and the taller tilted his head, a confused look betraying his emotions.

"I want the war to end."

Enderman gave him a deadpan look.

"As do I, but clearly that's not going to happen."

Wither shook his head quickly, an excited smile on his face.

"No, no, what if we made an Endermen/Wither Skeleton alliance and stopped war?"

"And how would we do that? We're just friends that hold no power on either side."

"No power? Ender, you're literally a prince, what's do you mean 'no power'?"

"My father holds the power of the throne. Not me. He can't see that not all of you are evil."

"Then allow me to prove it."

Wither grabbed onto the hand that Enderman was using to hold the umbrella, pulling it down so that the taller would lean down with it. Then, hurriedly closing the gap between their faces, Wither gave him a quick kiss, pulling back as his face went bright red. Enderman looked shocked, but then pulled Wither closer to him, holding him tight under the shared umbrella.

"May I do it again?"

"Fuck yeah."


So, not one of my main ships, but it's a really cute one, and I might write more of this in the future! Remember to request, it gives me ideas! :D  if you don't want to request a ship, you can request a scenario, can be one up to however many people you want :)

And as always, enjoy!

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