🔴🔵 - Husk x Stray - Matchmaking

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Setting: Just two friends hanging out, Zombie decides to do some matchmaking.

Requested: By WesternGirl12 and @Cassiethegamer123

Stray sat under one of the nearby trees, watching Husk play a game of tag with the others. I mean, he was also attempting not to fall asleep, it was the middle of the day.

"So, why are you watching him?"

"HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK-!! Don't bloody do that! Scared the shit outta me... also I am not watching Husk, how dare you accuse me of that!"

Stray yelled, cursing out Zombie, who still had a wolfish grin plastered on his face. He sat himself down beside Stray, the latter only giving a slight protest before leaning back against the tree and closing his eyes. Zombie took his helmet off and put it next to him, his smirk not quite leaving.

"I never mentioned who though. Get played, Stray."

"Get fucked."

That was the only reply Zombie received, for the other was barely staying awake. Understandable, the mob typically wandered the snowy biomes in the night, and he rarely was awake in the day.

It was probably because of Husk.

Zombie gave a slight laugh at the irony of the couple, which, in a way, reminded him of Wither and Skeleton, mainly because of the time period between the Nether and the Overworld. Until, of course, they overcame that problem, with Wither coming to live in the Overworld.

But unfortunately, his cousin was oblivious.

Guess he would have to do some matchmaking.

"Okay, I'm here."

"You are? Great!"

"Where the fuck are you? Zombie, I- this bitch really hung up on me-!"

Husk sighed, cursing out his cousin. Though he couldn't really be mad at him, Zombie was notorious for pulling stupid stunts like this. The former took a look around the secluded park. It was silent.

Husk grumbled in annoyance as he held his arms in front of him, feeling for any objects that could be in front of him. As he was not accustomed to the dark unlike the other mobs, he didn't possess the ability of night vision.

"Looking a little mad there. You alright?"

A familiar voice rang out in the darkness, and Husk could practically hear the smile in Stray's voice.



Stray gave a slight laugh, leading the other undead to a small ledge and sat them both down.

"Trust that bastard to set us up..."

"He did this to set us up?"

There was silence for a while, and Stray was pretty sure his blush was visible even in the blackness of the cool night that surrounded them. Until Husk started laughing.

"Well... how'd you feel about proving him right?"

Sorry for taking so long, I was on a trip down to Devon! Anyways, enjoy :)

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