🟣 - Enderman and Zombie - Chaotic Good

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Setting: Zombie's always so reckless and chaotic, Enderman's always stumbling to keep up and keep said mob out of trouble. But he can't help but admire his carefree attitude, one he was never allowed to have.

Requested: By No one

"You know what I don't like about you, Endy?"

Enderman looked up in surprise at that, but kept his composure. He fidgeted with his fingers, his head to the floor. Zombie seemed to have picked up on this and quickly backtracked. He always was too blunt.

"No, no, no, not like that! I mean, I don't like that your so... so... uptight all of the time. You should chill out a llittle."

"Chill... out?"

Enderman repeated, tilting his head slightly in question. He never understood the slang phrases that Zombie used, he'd never heard them before, having been brought up all proper in the castle.

But to Zombie, slang was like second nature, dropping it into any sentence he could. He was trying to teach it to Enderman, but the taller wasn't catching on as quickly as he would've liked. Oh well, he would learn in time.

"Yeah. Take it easy. You're always so... stoic, I guess. You can chill when you're with us."


And the conversation was left at that. Well, that conversation was. Zombie still continued to ramble about God knows what, and Enderman listened. It was one of his key traits.

In the End, he was taught to shut his mouth and only speak when he was spoken to. In his father's words,

"No one wants a loud mouth as a king. When you inevitably take my throne, you will need to learn your place. Unfortunately you will have to be my successor, your sister is a woman and can't take it, she's inferior."

The last sentence filled Enderman with a silent rage, but he never spoke against his father. Yet he reckoned his sister would be a far better ruler, for although she was young, she was well equipped with all the knowledge necessary. Enderman took it upon himself to teach her.

"-so I thought that I could become one. You know, to help protect people. My brother in particular. Never happened though, but I met you guys!"

Enderman was snapped back into reality, wincing as he realised that he'd zoned out with Zombie was talking to him. He awkwardly rubbed the back off his neck as Zombie turned to look at him.

"My apologies, Zombie. I, uh, I zoned out for a short while. I'm sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry. What for?"

Zombie said, a confused look spreading across his face. Why was his friend apologising for something that everyone did? When Pigman or Wither zoned out with him (admittedly, the latter did it quite a lot), they would just say the equivalent of 'fuck off, I'm thinking'.

Not apologise.

There was no need.

"W-well, I mean, I wasn't listening to you, and you were explaining something, and-"

"Dude. It's fine. It's basic nature to zone out sometimes. Ask literally anyone."

Enderman was so confused. Zombie leaned into hug him. The latter wasn't entirely sure what kind of upbringing he had if that was his reaction to zoning out, but he didn't want to think about it.

For now, he was so going to get Ender used to slang.

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