🟣 - The Fallen Hero

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"Don't do it!" the sorceress exclaims as she enters the chamber. Hero ignored her pleas and jammed his dagger further into the statue's eye socket to pry the gemstone out. He glanced back at her and smiled, showing her the gleaming gemstone in his hand.

"Don't be so superstitious, Lotel." Just then, the floor begins to rumble, and debris falls from the ceiling. Panicking, Hero tried to push the gemstone back into the socket, but the sorceress grabbed his hand.

"There's no time for that. Run!" Hero sprinted out of the room, race down the corridor, and slid through two stone doors as they close. Finally safe, he takes a deep breath and lean against the temple wall. Hero looks over at Lotel, who stares intently at a nearby graveyard, her unease growing.

"What now?" He ask. She raises her hand and points without saying a word. Past the bramble and rusted wrought iron, he could make out the stilted and shuffling movement of recently reanimated corpses. Hero looked back at Lotel and lifted his mace.

"I don't run from the dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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