🔴🟠 - Wither x Skeleton - Ghosts

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Setting: It wasn't that long ago since Wither had died. They had no idea how it had happened, and they weren't supposed to know. But fate has a weird way of showing you what you shouldn't.

Requested: By thatsmolgrape

A flash of lightning brightened the room for a long moment, the thunder being too loud for the silence. And then quiet once again fell on the room.

It was dark. No one bothered to turn on the lights. No one bothered to move. No one bothered to even speak.

The only sound was chalk across the blackboard.

"...Want to watch old videos...?"

Pigman asked softly, unusually quiet for his normally loud tone. Enderman shook his head softly, drawing his knees up closer to his body as he stayed curled up on the floor. Zombie, on the other hand, crept closer.

"...I'll watch..."

He muttered, sitting down in the corner, huddled close to Pigman. The latter clicked play and the video loaded up.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Wither's voice rang out clear, interrupting the arguing of the two mobs in a joking tone. Skeleton and Pigman turned around to face him, stupid goofy smiles plastered on their faces.

"I'm the best. Right, Wither?"

Pigman jeered, looking at Skeleton, who was mock glaring at him.

"Nope. That would have to be Skel, hands down."

The video clip was interrupted by a sniff, the pair looked up to see Skeleton exit the school. He glanced back once more at the chalkboard, on which Herobrine had wrote one of Wither's most said quotes.

'Nothing can stop me, not even death, cause I'm absolutely class.'

Skeleton supposed it was meant to make them feel better, but he felt his heart break a little bit more at the message. The entrance doors swung open as he pushed past them, tears finally falling. How could he have been so stupid?!

Wither was strong. Skeleton knew that much, he wasn't entirely sure what had killed him. The memory still traumatised him. Wither had stumbled through the doors of the classroom, and just as Herobrine had turned to berate him for being late, he had collapsed, turning into dust and particles without warning. He was gone.


No no no.

He can't be dead.

He'd only just got to terms with his feelings for the older mob, and it was once again ripped right from him.

It just wasn't fair!

Why couldn't he ever have nice things?!

Skeleton slumped down on the grass hill overlooking the lake. The sun was rising now, but was it really worth going back inside anymore? What if he just had... a peaceful death. Burning alive. Sure, it would hurt, but it would be the price to pay for not being there for Wither. He shut his eyes in anticipation.

Just as the sun reach the optimal point for burning, something cold covered him. He frowned and looked up, wondering what it could be.

Skeleton froze.


He teared up. No, he wasn't there, he was a hallucination, he wasn't real, nothing was real! Skeleton lashed a hand out at him to push him away, tears flowing down his face, but his arm passed straight through the apparition of Wither. The taller mob gave a sad laugh, one that Skeleton had been wanting to hear again ever since his death.

"Please go back inside..."

Wither's voice was quiet, almost a whisper, and it had this echoing quality to it. Skeleton shook his head.

"No... it was my fault you died... I deserve this!"

Wither just shook his head sadly, his ghostly form fading in and out of existence for a few seconds. Whenever he faded, Skeleton could feel the hot rays of sun burn him.

"It wasn't your fault. I was caught of guard by Entity. This has nothing to do with you."

Wither was fading fast by now, he was growing desperate. He grabbed for Skeleton's hands but couldn't exactly touch them. Skeleton lifted his hands anyway, which Wither felt extremely grateful for.

"You need to go inside... they can't loose another friend. They just can't..."

Wither had almost gone by now, Skeleton was only grasping onto parts of sentences. But one thing that he said was very clear.

"I didn't have the chance to tell you I loved you. Live for me, okay?"

Wither gave a small smile as he flickered. Skeleton was bawling now, trying to cling to the mob that wasn't even there as he was lead to his house.

"Just remember..."

Skeleton focused on him, although his image was incredibly faint.

"Nothing can stop me, not even death... cause I'm absolutely class."

And with that, he was gone. Skeleton didn't even get to say he loved him back.


Mmm we love a good bit of angst. :)

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