🔴🟢 - Skeleton

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- Is a closeted pansexual
- He/Him
- Is dating Wither
- Doesn't really care who knows about him and Wither but doesn't usually go around displaying it
- Would do anything within his capabilities for Wither
- Will personally go out of his way to help his friends and anyone he cares about

- Is a really good cook
- Has a major sweet tooth
- Zombie actually has to remind him not to eat too many of the sweets; not because he'll put on weight or get diabetes or anything like that, but purely so there's some for the rest of them
- Will straight up drink vinegar
- Has swallowed a spoonful of salt, much to his classmates' horror, to prove a point
- Will go to extreme lengths to prove a point
- He will then go apologise if he has caused trauma by doing said weird thing
- Isn't actually sorry
- Gets a good kick out of doing it
- Wither knows this and finds it hilarious

- Just says random things for absolutely no reason
- He then stores that information for future use
- Or blackmail
- Really depends if he hates them or not
- "People are like refrigerators: it's what's inside that matters."
- "Skel, what the-"
- "After Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF."
- "Please stop, you're scaring me-"
- "Love must truly be blind because it can't see me at all."
-"Literally dating you but go off I guess."
- "Shut up Wither, not the time."

- Hates Players
- Toys with them just for fun
- Doesn't give two shits what they think
- Has started a massacre on them
- Will laugh at their despair

- Absolutely adores cats
- Has one
- He named it Charlie
- He will never leave him
- All of the other mobs love him
- Apart from Creeper for obvious reasons

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