🔵 - Zombie x Pigman - Detention

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Set: The scene is set in the classroom, in detention.

Requested: By No one

Pigman sat idly on the desk, picking at loose pieces of the wood. Zombie had his sketchbook out, simply drawing random things that came to mind. After all, what else can you really do in detention?

"This isn't fair! Why isn't Wither here? He was the one sleeping!"

Pigman complained, throwing his hands up in exasperation. Zombie rolled his eyes and sighed, only half listening to Pigman's rant. Speaking of Pigman, that's exactly who he was drawing.

"Because, Pigman, you two were the ones that were messing around. Plus, Wither sleeps most lessons and already knows what I teach, so there's not really a reason to keep him behind."

Herobrine stated matter of factly, glancing up at the two before going back to his work, ignoring Pigman's mutters.

"Woah. Is that me?"

Zombie almost jumped a foot in the air when he heard Pigman's voice come from behind him.

"Holy shit! Don't do that!"

"I gotta say, I am looking fine!"

"Go away. Do something productive."

"Literally what else is there to do? Hmm? Absolutely fuck all."

"Why don't you do your art homework?"

"We had homework?"

Herobrine let out an audible sigh after that statement, Pigman earning a harsh glare because of it. He still continued to whine, but Zombie zone out of it, focused on drawing his best friend.

...Was it just him, or did his heart rate pick up?


Request! :D !!!

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