Chapter 15

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Playlist - I was lost without you but Sam Hulick (Mass effect theme song)

If blood could run cold, mine would be ice right now. Ice, that was piercing my lungs as I struggled to breathe, my body trembling in the guilt that pulsed through me. That ice, was met by the fire in Sebastian's eyes, that burned holes into my head with his piercing gaze, a gaze that was so full of rage, so full of hurt, that I thought the room was going to set ablaze.

Growing up, my parents always displayed a union of love and monogamy, a trait they passed down to me in their many tedious lectures. Yet, here I now stood, absolutely terrified, as I looked at the man I love, who I had now betrayed. Infidelity was not something I ever wanted to take custom in, nor did I choose to when I kissed Ominis, but that was his dying wish. I couldn't bare the thought of my rejection being the last thing he experienced had he be taken from me.

"Sebastian...I-I-" My throat was as dry as the the thoughts that ceased to leave my mind, and I could feel my betrayal hanging him on the knife at his back. He looked so worn down - bruises and scratches etched all over his skin, hanging baskets under his eyes and a clear injury sustained in his left leg.  Here he was, battered and risking his life whilst I was kissing his best friend, our best friend.

"Catch." He yelled out, as he threw a vial so high up that I could barely catch it in time. "Give it to him, he should recover." The frost in his voice sent a shiver down my spine, and I watched him turn his back and leave, not daring to look back at me. Flaming tears threatened to spill as I hastily pulled off the nozzle of the antidote, and gently placed it to Ominis's lips. My hand trembled as he drunk it, slowly.

"I'm s-so sorry..." he mumbled and I hushed him, leaning him down against the pillow before sprinting off to fetch Nurse Blainey. As much as I wanted to make sure the cure worked, I had to fetch Sebastian and try to salvage what I had damaged.

I searched every room in the castle - from the harbour to the Undercroft but Sebastian was nowhere to be seen. My world was spinning around, my heart sinking alongside my guilt and I became a mere lunatic as I searched desperately for him, calling out his name as my voice cracked. After what seemed like hours of fruitless hunting, something inside my head clicked, and with a rush of my broom, I travelled to St.Mungos.

This was my first time ever visiting the premises, an encounter I didn't want to have to endure again. I stepped through a window of what appeared to be a red-bricked, condensed department store called Purge and Dowse, Ltd. The only way I had managed to find this finely concealed building was through Natty's help, who offered to guide me. From the outside, the structure looked run down, old and withered, however upon entrance, the interior resembled that of what a hospital should look like.

I found myself in what seemed to be a crowded reception area where rows of witches and wizards sat upon wooden chairs, some looking perfectly normal and perusing through hordes of newspapers, others sporting gruesome disfigurements such as rats tails or an extra pair of legs sticking out of their behind. The room was scarcely less quiet than the street outside, for many of the patients were making very peculiar noises. Witches and wizards in lime-green robes were walking up and down the rows, asking questions and making notes on clipboards. I noticed the emblem embroidered on their chests: a wand and bone, crossed.

I found myself truly at a loss as to where I was going, but thankfully, a small, petite brunette witch greeted me.

"Hello there, I am Merida, the Welcome Witch, how May I help?"

She truly did give credit to her namesake because her demeanour was as welcoming as one could be and my nerves seemed to have calmed, only slightly.

"I am here to visit Anne Sallow." I said softly, though my voice contradicted me in more ways than one. The witch pulled out her clipboard, eyes scanning over the horde of names that messily sprawled over the pages.

Fire and Ice (A Sebastian Sallow x FemaleMC)Where stories live. Discover now