Chapter 26

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Playlist - Infinity by Jaymes Young

Sebastian's POV

In a matter of a few days my entire life changed. I was kidnapped, my sister turned out to be in league with Isidora Morganoch and Y/N had fused herself with the dark magic she had locked away.

At this point I was virtually prepared for anything that life decided to throw my way. But as I sit here, holding Y/N's hand after she dropped a bombshell onto me, I realised that I was not in fact prepared.

"Sebastian?" Her voice called out to me, seemingly the most fragile I had ever seen her. Brows furrowed and lips parted, she looked absolutely breath taking. But my mind was still trying to process everything that she had just expressed to me.

"So..." I began, clearing my throat.

"You are..."


"And I'm?"


"Im going to be a father." I expelled the word father as a gasp, my eye widening as realisation hit me. Me, Sebastian Sallow, had created a human being with the most perfect woman in existence and it was now growing inside of her? Me, a failure amongst failures, was now to care for a child? And Y/N, the most strongest, kindest soul in existence had gifted me with the best news of all time? Yes. Yes she did.

The grip on my hand tightened and I look up towards Y/N who was chewing at her lip, nerves eating away at her. "Say something." She begged.

"I can't believe this."

A gasp left her mouth, alerting me as her eyes widened. "I knew it was a mistake telling you, I'm so sorry Sebastian I honestly didn't know....I'll find a solution to get-"

I stood up from the chair and cradled her head in my hands. "You think I'm unhappy?" I questioned, astonished that she would think such a thing. Her nod confirmed my worries and without a shadow of a doubt, I lifted her from the bed, making her squeal, and I spun her around.

"I'm going to be a father!!!" I yelled out, dancing around the hospital with Y/N in my arms, earning a few dirty looks from the ailing patients. But I didn't care. I was going to be a father and most importantly, Y/N was going to be his/her mother. I was ecstatic. No, I was absolutely over joyed!

"We're going to have a baby!" Y/N was laughing aloud as I continued to spin her around, her hair hitting me in the face a couple of times but I didn't even give a flying Merlin. I was going to be a dad.

Considering the dire situation that we faced, all our troubles melted away as I embraced Y/N when I laid her back on the bed and leaned down to kiss her belly.

"This was not the reaction I had expected." She giggled as she moulded her fingers through my hair.

I shot my head up, confused. "Why? Did you think I wouldn't be happy?" I was a bit hurt by that.

She shook her head and pulled me upwards so now I was nuzzled into her neck whilst she held me. "It's just because we are young, we are in a war and the only reason I even found out I was pregnant, was because Isidora threatened me with it."

"First of all - I don't care about our age, we are well in our twenties. Second of all the war comes second to you and third of all, what do you mean Isidora threatened you?" I was absolutely enraged at this point, a new found emotion I didn't know I even possessed. Not only did this demon try and kill the woman I loved, but she was now threatening my unborn child.

"When we were duelling, I had almost broken our wand connection and ended her, right there and then. However before I could, she expressed that if I were to kill her, I would be killing our child as well."

Fire and Ice (A Sebastian Sallow x FemaleMC)Where stories live. Discover now