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Miscalculations, mistakes have been made, i will admit

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Miscalculations, mistakes have been made, i will admit. Miscalculations being something that i have not been comfortable with, especially when i see the outcome of my miscalculations. And in this very moment, as im pondering and rocking back in forth in white office chair. in the same 4 walls that i call a safe place. i sit and think about the horrible decision i have come too.

Amy has taken the day off, completely understandable. I mostly encouraged her to do it.

My thoughts are all over the place and my head is a mess, the feeling of not having control over yourself is normal for me but its not wanted. to know that such possibilities could actually possibly happen makes my mind turn in such ways that it makes me sick to my stomach. Marrying a man I have no clue of,  joining in a partnership with a group of people who make me want to gag each time their name is mentioned but now the name could be my last name.

Aliyna Cassano Lodge

I shiver my whole body in disgust by that name.

hell no is that happening. But i cant say for certain now since i basically just told my best friend i would marry him for her. but the truth is, do i really want to risk my own happiness and possibily safety for a situation like this? 

did they kill her father? yes.

did they warn me about it? yes.

did i listen? no.

am i the reason hes dead? possibily

should i blame myself? i dont know.

at this point i cant even deal with my own reflection, im so out of place yet im so put together it hurts having to shift between both when im around people and when im alone. When im alone i break down in a never ending train of thoughts that disrupts my progress at work, but when im around people, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a person who's stocks are rising so high he as no reason to be upset and me.

Being entranced in my thoughts made me not even realise that Jason was now stood infront of my desk and my office door wide open.

I looked at him up and down and took in his appearance, a simple white button up shirt with black slacks and a navy coat on as well. corresponding to mine, Iv also chosen a navy coat with a white turtle neck and some Gray skinny jeans. add some jewellery and Jordans.

 add some jewellery and Jordans

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