Almost! dead

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I have never driven a car this fast in my entire life

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I have never driven a car this fast in my entire life. Hell I have not been in a car this fast my entire my entire life. I'm buying this car the second I get home. But that's not the point right now, I made my way to Amy's place where Jason had called me from, something happened to her and I cant help but think that mister Cassano had something to do with it. 

I mean sure there is a possibility that he has no idea what happened but the second I mentioned Amy was when he ran off, I can only imagine what was going through his head when I told him.

God why am I so stupid. Why did I tell him something that was bothering me?

Parking right outside her house and getting out of the car, not caring how my dress is hitting the ground underneath as I sprint to the front door in my heels. Everything is becoming so confusing and it's just one problem after another.

I can never catch a break.

Knocking on the door 6 times, waiting for a response on the other end. My panting mixed in with the sound of my heartbeat beating a mile a minute is the only thing running through my ears as I wait outside the door in the cold.

The gloves are pretty thin and sheer so its impossible that it'll keep me warm.

I go to knock again until the door finally opens and I'm met with Jason, he looks horrible. He looks completely worn out and tired, dark circles coming forming under his eyes, his lips are so dry, pale and chapped it seems like chalk is coming out of it. His skin is pale and his nose is all red. 

Looks like he just got hit by a bus and decided it would be best to stay home and call it 'snow day' that's how obscured he looks right now. 

"Jason oh my god what happened to you?" Taking in all his appearance as my eyes travel down him. He wears a black hoodie with Gray sweats, nothing I haven't seen him in before.

"Amy isn't doing so well" he speaks completely worn out

not even bothering to respond him, I nudge past him right into the house and the immediate smell of Alcohol and smoke fill my senses. Someone's been smoking and doing shit in here and Amy does not smoke.

I walk into the living room, taking in all the mess. Half the couch pillows are thrown on the floor, there's bottles of alcohol on the floor and on the table. Empty cups of beer and trays upon trays of ashes. Some white powder dust which I can only assume is cocaine and Amy sitting right on the coach, completely passed out with a cigarette in her hand.

I take my gloves off, and kick my heels off my feet as I sprint to her and sit next to her on the couch.

"Amy my god what happened to you? are you doing drugs and-" snatching the cigarette out of her hand and showing it to her "Why are you smoking?" 

Amy is s against the idea of smoking, I sometimes do it and whenever she seems me she completely loses it. Once she snuck into my office and flushed all my cigarettes down the toilet.

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